
Whistle Blowing System (WBS)

The whistleblowing system aims to create a comfortable work environment, by managing complaints or disclosures of events that may result in financial and non-financial losses, including a decline in the Company’s image. This system is designed to ensure that any violations found in the Company, both external and internal, can be immediately followed up without disturbing ongoing business stability, without affecting the Company’s image and reputation, and creating a climate of transparency towards all available resources.  All problems and violations are followed up while ensuring that the whistleblowers, both Company people and external parties, with legal complaints, can be protected in line with the Company’s commitment to uphold ethics, morals, and law.

A Whistleblowing System is a system that can be used as a media for whistleblowers to convey information about indications of violations that occur within a company (fraud, discrimination, or other irregularities) and support the principle of fairness in the relationship between the Company and Stakeholders. PT TIMAH Tbk has a Guidelines for the Whistleblowing System, the guideline is the basis for implementing the Whistleblowing System within the Company.

What needs to be conveyed :

  1. The problem being complained of
  2. Date / Time
  3. Location of the incident
  4. The parties involved
  5. Evidence of Violation

Although reporting can be done anonymously (without the identity of the reporter), it is mandatory to be accompanied by supporting data or documents.

  • The company guarantees the confidentiality of the reporter's identity and the contents of the submitted report.
  • Reporting must be done in good faith, not out of personal interest or retaliation
  • Reporting must prioritize its benefits for the common interest of all Tin Individuals and stakeholders


Complaints can be via:

Website : www.timah.com

Email     : wbs@pttimah.co.id

Phone    : 0717 - 425 8000 / 021 - 2352 8000

                 Ext. 10086 (Head of  Internal Audit Unit)

                        10101 (Head of Division Corporate Lawyer)

                        10166 (Head of Division HR)