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Accessing the PTTIMAH Tbk website is solely at the user's initiative and will including all the consequences. Information obtained or downloaded will be used by users responsibly. Quotations are permitted by stating the source of the quotation in full without changing the form and structure of the material quoted. This website material is maintained and updated by PT TIMAH Tbk

PT TIMAH Tbk is the only institution that has full rights to add, change and reduce website material at any time according to needs. This website is intended solely for the purpose of disseminating information and helping users. There is no part of this website that is intended to to support promotions or recommend activities of and for other individual institutions

PT TIMAH Tbk is not responsible for the material on other institutional websites that are linked. The link is only provided to make it easier for users to obtain information from other institutions related to PT TIMAH Tbk. Likewise, if other individual institutional websites provide links to PT TIMAH Tbk, this cannot be interpreted as PT TIMAH Tbk officially endorses the activities carried out by these individual institutions. PT TIMAH Tbk displays information data and statistical data to provide information about capital market conditions in general. To avoid misperceptions if users are going to quote this information, they are expected to make it complete. by including the creation of the data referred to. Data will always be updated according to the latest information the company has.