Tata Kelola

Risk Monitoring Committee

The Risk Monitoring Committee has the duty and responsibility to assist the Board of Commissioners in supervising and providing advice to the Board of Directors in the areas of Risk Management policy and implementation based on the Risk Monitoring Committee's Charter as a guideline. 

Risk Monitoring Committee Charter
To support the effective implementation of its functions, duties and responsibilities, the Risk Monitoring Committee is guided by the Risk Monitoring Committee Charter stipulated in the Board of Commissioners Decree No. 05/Tbk/Kep/DK- dated 04 April 2024 concerning Determination of Work Guidelines (Charter) for the Risk Monitoring Committee and Integrated Governance Committee, Nomination and Remuneration for the Board of Commissioners of PT TIMAH Tbk.

The Risk Monitoring Committee Charter regulates the procedures for carrying out the committee's operational activities as well as other matters as follows:

  1. Introduction;
  2. General Provisions;
  3. Establishment and Membership of Risk Monitors;
  4. Duties, Authorities, and Responsibilities;
  5. Work Program;
  6. Performance Evaluation and Cost Charging; And
  7. Conclusion.

Risk Monitoring Committee Personnel
Currently, the members of the Risk Monitoring Committee consist of 4 (four) people, one of whom is appointed as Chair of the Committee.

Risk Monitoring Committee Personnel Composition
Following the provisions of the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT TIMAH Tbk No. 03/Tbk/Kep/DK- dated 05 March 2024, the following is the composition of the members of the Risk Monitoring Committee:

Number Nama/ Name Jabatan/ Position Masa Jabatan/ Length of service Jabatan di Perseroan/ Position in the Company Latar Keahlian/ Expertise Background
1 Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi Ketua/ Chairman 2024-2027 Komisaris Independen/ Independent Commissioner Technological
2 Sufyan Syarif Anggota/ Member 2024-2027 Komisaris / Commissioner Legal
3 Suhendro W Sentanu Anggota/ Member 2024-2027 Profesional Independen/ Independent Profesional Legal
4 Nasmifida Anggota/ Member 2024-2027 Profesional Independen/ Independent Profesional Accounting