Tata Kelola

Corporate Secretary

The Corporate Secretary Function was established by referring to the following laws and regulations:

  1. Financial Services Authority Regulation No.31/POJK.04/2015 dated December 16, 2015, concerning the Disclosure of Information or Material Facts by Issuers and Public Companies;
  2. PT Bursa Efek Jakarta (Jakarta Stock Exchange) Board of Directors Decree No. Kep-305/BEJ/07-2004 dated July 19, 2004 (Regulation No. I-A concerning Listing of Shares and Equity-Type Securities Other than Shares Issued by Listed Companies); and
  3. Financial Services Authority Regulation No.35/ POJK.04/2014 dated December 8, 2014, concerning Corporate Secretary of Issuers.

The establishment of the Corporate Secretary Function is not only a form of compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations but also to fulfill the Company’s needs to establish and maintain communication with all internal or external parties of the Company. in addition, the Corporate Secretary also helps the Management in ensuring the Company’s compliance with the laws and regulations that are applicable in the capital market as well as perform other duties stipulated in the Company’s Articles of Association.

Appointment of Corporate Secretary
The Company’s Board of Directors has appointed Rendi Kurniawan to carry out the function of Corporate Secretary based on order No. SK  No. 0017/Tbk/SPRINT-4000/25.S8.9  dated January 8, 2025.