Respecting Human Rights

Respecting Human Rights of Surrounding Communities [2-25, 411-1] [MM5, MM6, MM7, MM8, MM9, MM10][EM-MM-210a.1]EM-MM-210a.2][EM-MM-210a.3]
We recognize that respect for human rights (HR) entails broad responsibilities, not only concerning the fulfillment of HR for internal stakeholders but also for the public, especially those residing around mining sites. This is manifested through our commitment to complying with all applicable regulations in carrying out our operations, from exploration and tin ore mining to mine closure. We also respect traditional culture and local customs, and the rights of indigenous communities, including legitimate land rights.

The Company actively involves the indigenous communities in discussions on land replacement processes, local custom preservation, establishment of relocation sites, and livelihoods, as well as the realization of the TJSL program. One indigenous community near our operational area is the Malay-Orang Lom (Mapur) tribe is one of the indigenous communities living near our operational sites Belinyu. To build mutual understanding and harmonious relationships, we regularly communicate with communities regarding mine openings in the operational Our Conflict Management SOP aims to improve synergy with stakeholders and takes into practice in conflict-prone areas. In line with these efforts, throughout 2023, there were no conflicts between the Company and local communities and indigenous communities regarding operations, protection of local culture, and indigenous community rights.