Tata Kelola

Internal Audit Unit

Internal Audit Unit is a supporting organ under the President Director, the Internal Audit Unit is in charge to provide professional, independent, and objective opinions to the President Director related to the Company’s activities and operations by improving an audit control system that has been integrated in order to ensure that the operational activity has run properly in order to provide added value to the Company.

Internal Audit Unit Charter
The Internal Audit Unit has an Internal Audit Charter which was ratified through Company Regulation No.0001/Tbk/PER0000/24-S.11.1 concerning the Charter of the Internal Audit Unit of PT TIMAH Tbk. This charter stipulates procedures and work guidelines for the Internal Audit Unit in carrying out its duties.

The Internal Audit Unit Charter contains:
1. Introduction.
2. Scope of Work.
3. Vision, Mission, and Goals.
4. Structure and Position.
5. Roles and Responsibilities.
6. Authority.
7. Accountability.
8. Standards and Code of Conduct.
9. Internal Auditor’s Requirements and Obligations.
10. Cover.