Tata Kelola

Integrated Governance, Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Integrated Governance, Nomination, and Remuneration Committee (TKT-NR Committee) as a supporting organ for the Board of Commissioners has the duties and responsibilities to assist the Board of Commissioners in carrying out supervision (oversight) and providing advice to the Board of Directors in the field of Governance as well as Nomination and Remuneration functions based on the Work Guide (Charter) Integrated Governance, Nomination, and Remuneration Committee as a guide.

TKT-NR Committee Charter
In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, the TKT-NR Committee is guided by the TKT-NR Committee Charter which contains, among other things, provisions regarding the duties, authority, responsibilities and work program of the TKT-NR Committee. As a work guide for Committee members, the TKT-NR Committee Charter regulates the following matters:

  1. Introduction;
  2. General Provisions;
  3. Establishment and Membership of the Integrated Governance, Nomination and Remuneration Committee;
  4. Duties, Authorities, and Responsibilities of the Integrated Governance, Nomination, and Remuneration Committee;
  5. Work Program;
  6. Performance Evaluation and Cost Charging; And
  7. Conclusion.

This TKT-NR Committee Charter was prepared with the aim that in carrying out its roles and responsibilities, the TKT-NR Committee has a reference or work guideline, so that the TKT-NR Committee can work independently, objectively, autonomously and transparently, and can be held accountable accordingly. applicable laws and regulations and best corporate governance practices. The TKT-NR Committee Charter which is the current work guideline was determined based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT TIMAH Tbk 05/Tbk/Kep/DK- dated 04 April 2024 concerning the Determination of the Work Guideline (Charter) of the Risk Monitoring Committee and Integrated Governance, Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Commissioners of PT TIMAH Tbk.

TKT-NR Committee Personnel
The TKT-NR Committee consists of 4 (four) people, one of whom is a member of the Board of Commissioners who serves as Chair.

TKT-NR Committee Personnel Composition
Based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT TIMAH Tbk No. 04/Tbk/Kep/DK- dated 05 March 2024, the composition of the TKT-NR Committee personnel is as follows:

Number Nama/ Name Jabatan/ Position Masa Jabatan/ Length of service Jabatan di Perseroan/ Position in the Company Latar Keahlian/ Expertise Background
1 M. Alfan Baharudin Ketua/ Chairman 2024-2027 Komisaris Utama/ President Commissioner Legal
2 Rustam Effendi Anggota/ Member 2024-2027 Komisaris / Commissioner Human Resources
3 Bambang Edhi Leksono Anggota/ Member 2024-2027 Profesional Independen/ Independent Profesional Geodesy & Geophysics
4 Yanto Anggota/ Member 2024-2027 Profesional Independen/ Independent Profesional Legal