Tata Kelola

Public Accountant

The Company utilizes the services of a certified Public Accounting Firm (KAP) as an independent party responsible for testing the components of financial reports to examine the fairness of financial calculation and records as well as the conformity to financial accounting standards (PSAK).

Basis of Appointment of Public Accountant
The basis of the appointment of a public accountant refers to the Financial Service Authority Regulation (OJK) No. 13/POJK.03/2017 concerning the Utilization of Public Accounting Services in Financial Services, Circular Letter OJK No. 36/SEOJK.03/2017 concerning the Procedures for Using Public Accounting Services and Public Accounting Firms in financial services, as well as recommendations from Audit Committee.

The nomination process for Public Accountants and Public Accounting Firms starts from the recommendation of the Board of Commissioners which is reported in GMS for approval. The appointment is continued through the mechanism of procurement of goods and services of the Company. The appointed Public Accountant and Public Accounting Firm must be integrated into Financial Service Authority and must not have a conflict of interest with every level of the Company’s officers.

Public Accounting Firm & Public Accountant in the Past 5 Years 

Periode Penugasan / Assignment Period Kantor Akuntan Publik / Public Accounting Firm Akuntan Publik / Public Accountant Biaya Jasa Audit Audit / Fee Opini / Opinion
2018 KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan (anggota jaringan firma PwC) / KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Associates (member of PwC firm network) Yusron Fauzan (No. AP.0243) 2.450.000.000 Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian / Unqualified
2019 KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan (anggota jaringan firma PwC) / KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Associates (member of PwC firm network) Toto Harsono (No. AP.1122) 3.300.000.000 Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian / Unqualified
2020 KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan (anggota jaringan firma PwC) / KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Associates (member of PwC firm network) Toto Harsono (No. AP.1122) 4.300.000.000 Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian / Unqualified
2021 KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan (anggota jaringan firma PwC) / KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Associates (member of PwC firm network) Toto Harsono (No. AP.1122) 3.430.000.000 Opini tanpa modifikasian/ Unmodified opinion
2022 KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan (anggota jaringan firma PwC) / KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Associates (member of PwC firm network) Daniel Kohar (No. AP.1130) Opini tanpa modifikasian/ Unmodified opinion
2023 KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan (anggota jaringan firma PwC) / KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Associates (member of PwC firm network) Daniel Kohar (No. AP.1130) 4.389.000.000 Opini tanpa modifikasian/ Unmodified opinion