Tata Kelola

Gratification Policy

Control Guidelines within PT TIMAH Tbk, which are stated in Company Regulation No.0019/Tbk/PER0000/23-S11.1 dated 29 September 2023. This policy regulates the giving and receiving of gratuities by PT TIMAH Tbk personnel and efforts to prevent and control gratuities within PT TIMAH Tbk. 

This policy was made by referring to Corruption Eradication Commission Letter No. B.143 / 01-13 / 01/2013 dated January 21, 2013, concerning an Appeal relating to Gratification and Corruption Eradication Commission Letter No. B.1341 / 01-13 / 03/2017 dated March 15, 2017, concerning Guidelines and Limitation of Gratification. The Gratification Control Policy has been published on the internal portal and the Company’s website.