Tata Kelola

Risk Management

The Company and its subsidiaries encourage the optimization of risk management in all aspects of the business they carry out, through the implementation of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). ERM implementation is facilitated by the Risk Management Division, which monitors and evaluates risk management and implements mitigation measures. The implementation of ERM is supported by a Risk Management Dashboard which is very crucial for the Board of Directors to support strategic decision making.

Reference in the Implementation of Risk Management 

  1. Letter from the Director of Portfolio and Business Development of PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (Persero) No. 1115/E.DIRPPU/XII/2023 Dated December 22, 2023 concerning Submission of Updates/Adjustments to the Implementing Policy of PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (Persero) (‘” KP MIND ID) in 2023 as part of the MIND-ID Strategic Guidelines to be adopted in Member Policies/ Guidelines MIND ID and Attachment I Letter from the Director of Portfolio and Business Development of PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (Persero) No. 1115/E. DIRPPU/XII/2023, one of which is about OMNIBUS MIND ID Implementing Policy Regarding MIND ID Group Risk Management Process No. KP-001/DIR/2023 December 15, 2023;
  2. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-2/MBU/03/2023 Dated March 3, 2023, concerning Guidelines for Governance and Significant Corporate Activities of State-Owned Enterprises;
  3. PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero) Letter No. 391/LDIROP/X/2022 dated 5 October 2022 Regarding the Adoption of MIND ID Implementing Policies (as part of the MIND ID Strategic Guidelines) in MIND ID Member Policies/Guidelines;
  4. Circular Letter of the Board of Directors of PT TIMAH Tbk dated November 17, 2022, concerning Approval of Adjustments to the Guidelines and Policies of PT TIMAH Tbk to the Implementing Policies of MIND ID as Part of the Strategic Guidelines Established by MIND ID;
  5.  Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero) No. 001/DIR/MINDID/2021 dated January 14, 2021, concerning Ratification of the Indonesian Mining Industry Strategic Guidelines in the First Dictum number 12 of
    the Strategic Risk Management Guidelines;
  6. Company Regulation No. 011/Tbk/PER0000/19-S11.1 Dated December 31, 2019, Concerning Risk Management Guidelines for PT TIMAH Tbk;
  7. Reference and Implementation of ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management – Guidelines

Risk Management Roadmap and Projection 
In order to realize Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), the Company has established ERM Roadmap for the period of 2021-2015 as a reference in the implementation and assessment of the achievement of the Company’s Risk Management targets.