Tata Kelola

Audit Committee

The Board of Commissioners formed an Audit Committee not only as a form of compliance with applicable laws. However, the formation of the Audit Committee is also aimed at strengthening the implementation of the supervisory function by helping the Board of Commissioners ensure the effectiveness of implementing the internal control system in aspects of the Company's business and the reliability of the financial information presented.

Audit Committee Charter
In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, the Company's Audit Committee is guided by the Audit Committee Charter which contains provisions regarding organizational structure and committee membership as well as other provisions, namely:
1. General Provisions;
2. Establishment of the Organization and Membership of the Audit Committee;
3. Duties, Functions and Authorities of the Audit Committee;
4. Work Program;
5. Work Evaluation and Cost Charging; And
6. Closing.

The Company always reviews and updates the Audit Committee Charter if necessary to maintain the relevance and effectiveness of the implementation of the Audit Committee's duties with the development of the Company's business. The Audit Committee Charter which serves as work guidelines is established based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT TIMAH Tbk No. 09/Tbk/Kep/DK- dated 17 October 2022 and the charter renewal is based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT TIMAH Tbk No. 12/Tbk/Kep/DK- dated 9 August 2023.

Committee Member Personnel
According to the general provisions contained in the Audit Committee Charter, the composition of the Company's Audit Committee members consists of a minimum of 3 (three) people chaired by an Independent Commissioner, as well as one other member from the Board of Commissioners and one independent professional person who comes from an external organization or not—company employees in the last year. In addition, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, the Company's Audit Committee has at least 1 (one) member with an educational background and expertise in accounting and finance.

Audit Committee Personnel Composition
Following the provisions of the Board of Commissioners through the Decree of the Board of Commissioners PT TIMAH Tbk No. 07/Tbk/Kep/DK- dated 27 June 2023, the composition of the Company's Audit Committee members is as follows:

Number Nama/ Name Jabatan/ Position Masa Jabatan/ Length of service Jabatan di Perseroan/ Position in the Company Latar Keahlian/ Expertise Background
1 Agus Rajani Panjaitan Ketua/ Chairman 2023-2026 Komisaris Independen/ Independent Commissioner Accounting
2 Wawan Gunawan Anggota/ Member 2023-2026 Profesional Independen/ Independent Profesional Accounting
3 Sri Suryaningsum Anggota/ Member 2023-2026 Profesional Independen/ Independent Profesional Accounting