Responsible Production Activities

We run responsible operating practices while maintaining product excellence. During the production process, we optimize materials and minimize waste. We also carry out waste and effluent management as a form of mitigation to prevent pollution and avoid the impact of waste on human health and the environment.

Eco-Friendly Material Management [301-2]
We extract tin ore into tin metal and some of this tin metal is made into tin solder and tin chemicals. Meanwhile, coal mining activities are only carried out by our subsidiary, PT Tanjung Alam Jaya. As such, the Company is not involved in the processing of coal or the recycling of materials into products, we do not report the percentage of products derived from recycled and packaging materials for each product category. Material usage in the production process is inputted in the daily routine movement while in the factory. [301-3]

The recycled materials used in the smelting process are circulating materials such as Slag I, Dust, Dross, Hardhead, and Tin Iron/Fe-Sn. These materials are recycled to the smelting process to recover the remaining tin metal elements and increase recovery in the smelting process.

Waste Management [306-1, 306-2, 306- 4, 306- 5][EM- MM-150a.10]
We generate solid and liquid wastes, including those containing hazardous and toxic materials (B3) and nonhazardous. Waste from our operational activities hurts the environment if not managed properly. Therefore, as a form of our responsibility, the Company conducts good waste management such as implementing a closed circulation system for wastewater in mining, and managing B3 and non-hazardous, waste, so that it does not hurt the environment. We refer to the HSE Policy to reduce the amount of waste disposed to landfills, referring to the PROPER criteria. We strive to optimize waste management before disposal to landfill, through reutilization, recycling, and other initiatives such as the reduction of paper usage which is replaced with the use of administrative applications. All household and office waste is sent to landfill. For organic waste management, the Company involves the surrounding community to manage it into compost which is then used for land rehabilitation. Meanwhile, non-hazardous solid waste, both from offices and production processes is handed over to third-party waste managers.

Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Generated  [306-2, 306-3]
By the end of 2023, we generated 23.98 tons of nonhazardous solid waste, a decrease of 2.17% from last year's 65.85% or 15.79 tons of the total non-hazardous waste has been reused, while the rest will be diverted to landfills. Data related to non-hazardous solid waste is recorded in the non-hazardous solid waste balance sheet.

Hazardous Waste Management  [306-2, 306-3, 306-4][MM3]
We cooperate with third parties who have official licenses to manage hazardous waste, under applicable regulations. Before being sent to a third party, we collect hazardous waste in a temporary storage facility (TPS), following general hazardous waste management procedures to prevent environmental pollution. The TPS facility is equipped with emergency equipment, emergency evacuation routes, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for storage, shipping, and emergency handling, and has a logbook and information board specifically for hazardous waste. Ever y quar ter we report on the management of B3 waste to the relevant agencies, referring to PP No. 22 of 2021. The hazardous waste generated is not reused but we have managed the hazardous waste by recycling. The third party is responsible for transporting and managing B3 Solid Waste incineration that is licensed according to regulations.

Effluent Management [306-1] [MM3]
The Electrolytic Refining (ER) process, tin ore washing, and mill operations, as well as oily waste from fuel tanks, and diesel power plants at the Metallurgical Unit PLTD, produce liquid waste. At each operating facility, there is a Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and oil trap to ensure that the quality of the waste is by the Wastewater Quality Standards set by KLHK in the IPAL permit. We also optimize the function of the sludge settling pond by adding lime so that the water quality can meet the established environmental standards. Effluent management is carried out until it reaches the effluent quality standards set by the government before being discharged into the environment.

We cooperate with a third party to evaluate the quality of wastewater. The evaluation results for 2023 showed that all parameters were under the Environmental Quality Standards and the requirements of the Ministry of Environment. During 2023, there were no spills experienced by the Company. Similarly, there were no significant incidents related to hazardous materials and waste management.  [EM-MM-150a.9]

Artisanal Mining [MM8]
Artisanal mining is a mining activity that is often carried out by communities around the mine site, either legally or illegally. These illegal activities usually do not pay attention to sustainable mining principles and have the potential to cause negative impacts on the environment and communities, such as damage to resources and reserves, and increase the risk of work accidents for miners.  

We have monitored artisanal mining activities around the mining sites and taken several steps to address issues  related to illegal mining in the PT TIMAH Tbk Mining Business License (WIUP) area, among others:

Mining Leftovers Management (SHP Management)  [MM3][EM-MM-150a.5]
We adhere to good mining practices through the management of processing residues (SHP management). The processing of alluvial tin concentrate is carried out based on the differences in specific gravity, magnetic properties of minerals, and conductivity properties of minerals. Minerals with significant specific gravity, such as tin ore with quartz, are separated by specific gravity separation method, while minerals with different properties are separated by magnetic separator and conductivity separator. In the process, we do not use additional chemicals so that no tailings are produced as a residue of processing.

Environmental Costs
As a form of responsibility to the environment due to operational activities, the Company has realized environmental costs of Rp29.2 billion which are intended for environmental management and monitoring activities such as hazardous waste management, wastewater monitoring, seawater monitoring, biodiversity monitoring, air quality monitoring, land reclamation, marine reclamation and rehabilitation, and other environmental management and monitoring. The environmental costs that we realized in 2023 decreased from 2022 by 53%.