Human Rights Practices in the Value Chain [MM4]

In affirmation of its commitment to respecting human rights, the Company on September 27, 2022, established a Human Rights Policy or Business & Human Rights Policy approved by the President Director of PT TIMAH Tbk. The content of the policy covers civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights relevant to the Company’s operations, partners, and supply chain. The basis of this human rights policy refers to the applicable laws and regulations, and we have communicated the policy to all employees and external stakeholders.

We adhere to the Human Rights Policy to prevent the violation of human rights in the value chain of the Company’s business activities. Periodically, the Company through the Corporate Secretary, Human Capital Division, CSR Division, HSE and Sustainability Division, and relevant divisions conducts monitoring and evaluation to ensure the implementation of the Human Rights Policy. From each monitoring and evaluation report, we will follow up on incidents of human rights and make efforts to overcome the negative impacts that arise, such as labor strikes. 

Until the end of the reporting period, the Company did not conduct human rights due diligence on suppliers, contractors, or other vendors. Based on the evaluation of the performance carried out in 2023, the Company did not find any locations, suppliers, contractors, or other vendors showing significant risks to the violation against workers’ rights, provision of minimum wages, overtime, child labor, and forced labor practices, or other human rights violations. The Company seeks to improve human rights enforcement by conducting human rights due diligence on suppliers, contractors, and other vendors,
for the coming years.
[407-1, 408-1, 409-1]

Respect for human rights also includes the practice of equality and non-discrimination in the work environment, ensuring occupational health and safety, and respecting privacy and personal data protection. The Company provides a forum for employees as a grievance mechanism for submitting various kinds of complaints, including acts of discrimination and harassment via email at During the reporting period, we did not receive any complaints related to discrimination from both internal and external parties. [406-1] 

Dignified Industrial Relations  [2-30, 402-1, 408-1, 409-1][EM-MM-310a.1]
The Company promotes freedom of association for employees through organizations such as Ikatan Karyawan Timah (IKT) and Persatuan Karyawan Timah (PKT). A total of 90.62% of our employees have joined IKT, while the other 0.011% are members of PKT. The existence of these two organizations is expected to support the creation of dignified industrial relations, support productivity, and ensure employee welfare. The Company also provides opportunities for employees to express their opinions, suggestions for improvement, or criticism through the PKB which is updated every two years. All employees (100%) are covered by the CLA, their rights and obligations. 

The Company does not specifically state the provision of a “Minimum notice period related to operational changes” in the Collective Labor Agreement (CLA), Company Regulations (PP), or management decisions, such as Decisions of the Board of Directors. However, the practice adopted is whenever there is a new policy, the Company conducts socialization in each operational area or work unit. In the event of operational policy changes, organizational structure changes, or other strategic changes, employees are notified several months before policy implementation.  This provision is stipulated in PKB Article 5. 

The Company is committed to the absence of forced labor and child labor practices. The CLA involves implementing a shift system in several operational areas adjusted to working conditions, as well as overtime hours. On the other hand, the Company implements a minimum limit policy for prospective employees of 19 years old to ensure there is no child labor in our work environment.

Employee Opinion Survey
Every year the Company measures employee engagement using the Employee Opinion Survey. The survey is conducted by the Human Capital Division, covering three factors, namely employee engagement, employee enablement, and employee effectiveness. In 2023, the survey only covered employee engagement and was conducted by MIND ID as the Holding, with different methods, parameters, and survey coverage from the 2022 and 2021 surveys. Based on the survey conducted on 3,635 employees, a score of 90 was obtained.