Occupational, Health and Safety

A proper and safe working environment boosts employee productivity; therefore, the Company endeavors to actualize such productivity. The Company is also committed to ensuring no mining accidents causing fatalities or serious injuries, no work-related illnesses, no pollution, and minimizing negative impacts on the environment as stated in the K3LH Policy of PT TIMAH Tbk.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management System [403-1, 403-8]
The Company adopts the Mining Safety Management System (SMKP) and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3) complying with national and international standards and guidelines. The entire occupational health and safety management system has been certified and audited by external parties. The scope of SMKP practices involves all staff, organic employees, support staff, and working partners in sales, logistics, or product distribution chains. Meanwhile, the scope of SMK3 practices covers all activities of mining entities and operations, as well as all employees (100%) involved, including field operators, partner workers, and guests visiting operational areas.

The occupational health and safety (OHS) policy enforced in the Company’s work environment subsumes compliance with legislation; identification and control of Health and Safety at Work and Operational Safety aspects; formation of Mining Safety Committee (P2K3); employee obligations to participate in OHS audits, supervision, and inspections; active involvement in routine OHS training activities; development of employee competence; and the implementation of OHS culture. We conduct regular internal and external audits of OHS implementation performance. The audit process ensures the quality of OHS management systems recognized nationally and internationally. External audits on OHS  implementation are conducted by auditors from SMKP  Minerba.

OHS Department
The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Sustainability Division within the OHS field are responsible for managing the Occupational Health and Safety Management System and OHS risks and monitoring mitigation efforts for incidents. The Company also has a Mining Safety Committee (KKP) established under the Ministerial Regulation on Human Resources No. PER-02/MEN/1992 on Procedures for the Appointment, Duties, and Authorities of Experts in the Field of Safety and Worker Protection. The management of the Mining Safety Committee consists of representatives from the OHS and Mining Operations (KO) members, Mining Operational Sections, and Worker Representatives. The membership of the Mining Safety Committee subsumes:

Prevention and Mitigation of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Incidents [403-7]
The Company ensures that the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) aspects, from operational levels to directly related business relationships, adheres to the established guidelines with preventive measures, as follows:

  • Adoption of Occupational Health and Safety &  Environmental Policies;
  • Enhancement of workforce health standards;
  • Improvement of quality and quantity of human resources in the OHS field;
  • Enhancement of testing, technical services, and information in the OHS field;
  • Improvement of the quality and quantity of SMKP implementation under the Company’s OHS policies;
  • Enhancement of analysis, assessment, and engineering of OHS technology; and
  • Transformation of OHS culture by all employees and the Company management.

The Company to prevent OHS incidents adheres to several operational OHS procedures, as follows:

Identification and Assessment of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Risks [403-2, 403-3, 403-9]
As part of our mitigation ef for ts, we adopt Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) risk management, subsuming hazard identification, assessment, and risk control, which are the responsibility of each Operational Area and coordinated with the K3LH & Sustainability Division. The identification results will be used to manage the impacts of mining activities related to OHS. The process of identifying work-related incidents covers: establishing risks through risk containment, identifying potential hazards affecting workers and equipment, conducting risk analysis and assessment, and controlling risks through monitoring and review measures for activities with specific risks. Each work unit that will perform tasks with high risks is required to conduct business risk analysis (Job Risk Analysis/JRA) as one form of mitigation. In addition to JRA, the Company also sets work permit policies.

OHS Performance [403-9]
The Company strives to realize zero fatality targets and no severe mining accidents while reducing the number of incidents by improving SMKP & SMK3 practices and constant monitoring of activities across all operational sites as stated in the K3LH Policy of PT TIMAH Tbk. To achieve the zero-fatality target in 2023 and reduce the number of incidents, the Company conducts performance measurements, periodic reviews, improvements to the management system, OHS implementation, and operational safety and environmental management. Not limited to that, the Company recorded and took corrective actions for every OHS incident.


The Company routinely evaluates all work accidents to improve OHS performance. A series of investigations follow the established procedures to conclude the root causes of incidents that occurred during the reporting period. Investigation results, in the form of recommendations, will be followed up by relevant parties to minimize the recurrence of incidents. The implementation of these recommendations will be monitored by top management and reported regularly in Mining Safety Committee (KKP) meetings. [403-2]

Employee Occupational Health  [403-3]

Our employees are entitled to health facilities such as health examinations, health services, special examinations for serious illnesses/high health risks, and general check-ups for all employees entering retirement. At least once a year, employees are required to undergo medical check-ups (MCU). The Company also provides ergonomic assessments, health education, and fatigue assessments for employees. We offer health services in an onsite clinic at the workplace, open during working hours. We further have established partnerships with local hospitals and clinics to provide employees with medical services.

To increase employee awareness of healthy lifestyles both work-related and non-work-related, the Company organizes health education and activities covering the following topics: [403-6]

  • Healthy Diet Strategies to prevent and reduce obesity;
  • Osteoarthritis, a joint disease that everyone may experience?
  • Prevent and control hypertension for a longer, healthier life;
  • Impaired Liver Function, what are the dangers to health?
  • Employee Mental Health;
  • Blood donation: Together we save lives;
  • Causes and Control of Fatigue from a Psychosocial Perspective;
  • Low Back Pain;
  • Recognizing allergies and immunological diseases, and
  • Recognizing and preventing breast cancer.

Employee Occupational Health Level [403-10]
Throughout 2023, the Company identified work-related illnesses based on the results of routine health examinations conducted by the OHS Division. By the end of 2023, the Company identified no cases of occupational diseases (PAK).