
GCG Assessment

BUMN Score Card

The assessment of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the Company for the 2022 period refers to the Decree of the Secretary of BUMN Number: SK-16/S.MBU/2012 concerning Indicators/Parameters for Assessment and Evaluation of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in BUMN.

The results of the implementation of GCG for each aspect of testing in 2022 and 2021 are as follows :

Development of GCG Implementation in 2022
Assesment Aspect/Indicator/ Parameter Weght Achievment in 2022 Clasification Score ini 2021 Comparison
Fulfillment Score
Commitment to continuous Implementation of Good Corporate Governance 7,00 97,83% 6,85 Very Good 7,00 (0,15)
Shareholders and GMS 9,00 96,47% 8,68 Very Good 7,73 0,95
Board of Commissioners 35,00 99,56% 34,85 Very Good 34,08 0,77
Board of Directors 35,00 98,96% 34,64 Very Good 34,63 0
Information Disclosure and Transparency 9,00 100,00% 9,00 Very Good 8,77 0,23
Other Aspect 5,00 100,00% 5,00 Very Good 5,00 0
Overall Score 100,00 99,01% 99,01 Very Good 97,22 1,79

The assessment was carried out independently by PT Pratama Indomitra Konsultan, with an achievement of 99.01% or achieving a VERY GOOD qualification.

ASEAN  Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS)

Another form of assessment carried out related to the implementation of GCG in the Company is the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS). ACGS is a corporate governance standard issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The score on our GCG implementation is assessed independently by PT Pratama Indomitra Konsultan.

The summary of the results of the Company's ASEAN CG Scorecard (ACGS) assessment for the 2022 financial year is as follows:

GCG Score based on ACGS in 2021 and 2022
No Assessment Component Skor In 2022 Skor In 2021 Comparison
1 Shareholders Rights 9,52 9,00 0,52
2 Equal Treatment to Shareholders 9,29 7,33 1,96
3 Stakeholders Roles 15,00 13,85 1,15
4 Disclosure and Transparency 24,19 22,58 1,61
5 Board of Commissioners Responsibilities 38,13 31,88 6,25
6 Bonus 12,00 8,00 4
7 Penalty 0 -2 2
  Total Score 108,13 90,64 17,49

By achieving a score of >90, the results of the assessment of the implementation of the Company's GCG are in the "Excellent" category, which means that the Company has been able to meet international standards of GCG practice determined by the OECD.

This governance practice can still be improved by the Company to show a strong commitment to implementing GCG principles in every aspect of the company's business.