Bisnis Kami

Tin Product

Tin Ingot

Tin Solder 

Tin Solder is one of the downstream products produced by a subsidiary of PT TIMAH. In 2009, PT TIMAH extended its business to the downstream industry to increase the added value of tin metal by building facilities for a solder plant. Solder Plant has two separate lines of production: Lead-Free Solder and Lead Tin Solder with a total capacity of 2,100 Mton/year. Currently, both are manufactured as Wired Solder and Solder Bar and patented as TIMAH SOLDER.

Tin Chemical

Tin stabilizers have been safely used for over fifty years as heat stabilizers in PVC processing technology. Suppliers and users of tin stabilizers continue their product stewardship efforts to promote and encourage the responsible handling of materials at PVC processing plants as well as continued product improvement. Considerable industrial experience and significant research support the continued safe use of organotins as PVC stabilizers