Bisnis Kami

Business Activities

PT Timah Tbk main business is tin ore mining and refined tin production. The Company carries aout exploration and exploitation of tin as a whole, both on land and at sea, including its integrated processing and distribution through the synergy of various subsidiaries.

Based on article 3 of the Company Articles of Association as contained in Deed No. 11 dated July 12, 2018, the scope of the Company's business activities includes the main business activities in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations as follow :

  1. To conduct business in the mining sector and general;
  2. To cinduct business in industrial and smelting sectors related to the mining business sector;
  3. To conduct business in trade, both of its own production on the other parties in mining, export and import, inter-island/ regions as well as local, including non physical trading sectors;
  4. To conduct business in the trasportation sector related to the mining business sector;
  5. To cinduct business in services, such as services in exploration and exploitation sectors, mining consultanct and other services for the mining sector.

In addition to the main business activities, the Company carries out the following supporting business activities to optimize its owned resources utilization:

  1. Office buildings, housing, apartements/ flats, shopping malls, industrial estates, warehousing, sports infrastucture, and telecomunication facilities;
  2. Use of production equipment as well as workshop facilities and infrastucture;
  3. Other supporting business activities to support main business activities if it is not contrary to the laws and regulations.