PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Zuliadi Happy to Receive Assistance from PT Timah, Uses Assistance to Repair Houses Damaged by Falling Trees

SAWANG SELATAN -- Zuliadi was unable to contain his feelings of joy and happiness when PT Timah representatives visited their residence in Mengkuse Hamlet, South Sawang Village, West Kundur District, Wednesday (29/5/2024).

PT Timah representatives were present at his residence to hand over assistance to the Zuliadi family to repair their house which collapsed due to being hit by a falling tree.

Zuliadi did not expect his house to be destroyed like that. The incident came so quickly and suddenly made him unable to save the belongings in the house so everything was destroyed.

Zuliadi said that with the assistance and attention from PT Timah, he felt happy and was greatly helped in rebuilding his house which had been destroyed.

"I would like to express my gratitude to PT Timah for its assistance and support for us and our family, with this assistance we can repair our house again," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of South Sawang Village, Suyatno, appreciated PT Timah for helping their residents who needed help.

"On behalf of the community, I am certainly happy with the attention from PT Timah, so this assistance will certainly provide moral support to Zuliadi and his family who are affected by the disaster," he said.

Likewise, the Head of West Kundur District, Yusufian, said that PT Timah was actively and continuously alert and responsive to help with the difficulties experienced by the community.

Various programs carried out by PT Timah include disaster relief, social assistance, and the economic and education sectors.

"We give our appreciation to PT Timah and its management for their concern and social sensitivity towards the community around the company area," he said. (*)