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Wow, the Utama Clinic Elderly Group is Happy to be Active in the Selinsing Reclamation Kampoeng PT Timah Tbk

EAST BELITUNG -- The beautiful green atmosphere in Selinsing Reclamation Village is a magnet for visitors to visit the ex-mining area of ??PT Timah Tbk which is managed as a tourist destination.

Not only as a recreation area for Kampoeng Reclamation which is located in Selinsing Village, Hanging District, East Belitun g Regency, it is also often a destination for carrying out various activities.

As did the elderly group from Utama Clinic, who had recreation in Selinsing Reclamation Kampoeng while relaxing and carrying out light activities.

Utama Clinic Elderly Guide, Nana said this elderly group is a BPJS program that specializes in people with a history of hypertension and DM.

This type of disease can be minimized with a pleasant atmosphere so that people with a history of hypertension are not easily stressed and their health is disturbed.

"We have routine activities, gymnastics and education for once a month but exercise once a week. Today's exercise is directed to Kampong Reclamation so that it can be refreshed and there are game events," said Nana.

According to Nana, PT Timah's Kampong Reclamation is very interesting because it can be managed well even though it is on ex-mining land. Where, ex-mining lands that are usually arid and difficult to cultivate can actually be transformed into green again.

"I think it's more interesting, maybe there is a forest, the place is shady and nice," said Nana.

Nana believes the green atmosphere will make people with a history of illness happier.

"Those who have disease should be happy because disease comes from the mind, but if they are happy it can affect their health," she said.