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West Bangka Adiwiyata Cadres Visit the Mentok Metallurgical Unit City Forest of PT Timah Tbk, Get to Know the Conservation Forest

WEST BANGKA -- West Bangka Regency Adiwiyata Cadres conducted a field study in the Mentok Metallurgical Unit Conservation City Forest in the Muntok Metallurgical Unit Area of ??PT Timah Tbk, Friday (1/9/2023).

Adiwiyata cadres are a movement of students who care about and have an environmental culture at school. This field study activity in the PT Timah Tbk Unmet City Forest was initiated by the West Bangka Regency Environmental Service.

Functionalist at the West Bangka Environmental Service, Diki, said this activity was to increase knowledge for students so they could change their behavior to love the surrounding environment and utilize conservation land.

"The students who took part in the visit to the Metallurgical Unit City Forest are Adiwiyata cadres at their school. So we need to provide education so that they can change their behavior," he said.

He said that DLHK has a program to manage the environment in the future, of course by involving the younger generation.

"Through the City Forest, the Metallurgical Unit provides knowledge to students about the benefits of this conservation. With lots of neatly arranged trees, we can maintain the availability of water and clean air, thereby improving our quality of life," he explained.

Marsya, a student at SMPN 4 Mentok, admitted that she was happy with this visit because she could gain knowledge about loving nature from the Meralurgi Unit Conservation Forest

"The feeling is happy, the forest view is beautiful, there are animals, here we get knowledge about how to protect nature and love animals," said Marsya.

Likewise, Aris Mahesa, a student at SMPN 3, admitted that he had gained experience from a visit with the West Bangka Environmental Service.

"Here we gain experience, both regarding cleanliness, and knowing various kinds of plants and animals. After this we apply it at school," he said.

Meanwhile, the supervising teacher at SMPN 5 Dwi Lestari said the Adiwiyata Cadre program was in line with the education program at the school

"Schools support field visit activities. This program is in line with teaching and learning activities at schools. Such as tree planting, environmental cleanliness, and nature protection," she explained. (*)