PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Welcoming Ramadhan, PT Timah Healthy Cars Provide Health Services for the Community in Tanjung Ratu Hamlet

BANGKA -- The atmosphere at the Cendrawasih Posyandu in Tanjung Ratu Hamlet, Rebo Village, Sungailiat District, Bangka Regency was suddenly crowded with residents to get free health services from the PT Timah Health Car, Thursday (07/03/024).

Residents are enthusiastic about visiting free health services from PT Timah. This has been seen since the morning residents came to free health services at PT Timah's Healthy Car.

More than one hundred residents registered for free health services from PT Timah, and the elderly also did not miss out on taking advantage of health services from MIND ID Mining Industry Holding Members.

The health services implemented ahead of Ramadan are also considered to help residents. Because you can check your health condition before starting to fast.

Head of Tanjung Ratu Hamlet, Sudiryanto, said that PT Timah's healthy car had come to their Dusuj for the first time, so it was enthusiastically welcomed by residents for treatment.

"I am very grateful to see the enthusiasm of many residents who want to seek treatment. But earlier I saw that it was not only Tanjung Ratu residents who were seeking treatment, there were also residents of Karang Panjang Hamlet, which is still in the same area as Rebo Village," he said.

Sudiryanto added that residents really care about health, so residents are looking forward to health services like this. In fact, residents routinely attend posyandu every month.

"The arrival of PT Timah's health car to provide free health services really helps residents. Thank you to PT Timah for helping our residents get free medical services," he said.

Sudiryanto hopes that the PT Timah DAPY Healthy Car will return to their village. So residents can get treatment closer. Because usually for treatment residents have to go to the Kenanga Community Health Center which is 7 KM away.

"We hope that if it can be sustainable, maybe once every few months the PT Timah Healthy Car can come back here, so that residents will be closer to getting treatment."

One resident of Masitoh (39) said he was happy that there was a free healthy car service from PT Timah so he could immediately seek treatment.

"I'm happy that there is a free healthy car since I've been queuing since this morning. The officers and doctors are kind and friendly. I hope this healthy car will come here often and provide free medical services," he said.

Masitoh appreciated PT Timah for caring and paying attention to public health.

"PT Timah's healthy cars are good for paying attention to the community. In the future, there will be more visits. PT Timah continues to pay attention to the community, basically thank you to PT Timah," he said.

Same thing, Sundari (58), a resident of Tanjung Ratu Hamlet, hopes that this free medical service will be visited more regularly so that they can get treatment closer.

"Hopefully PT Timah will continue to progress and continue to exist. Thank you PT Timah for providing free treatment because it really helps reduce the cost of treatment. PT Timah will continue to be successful and progress," he said.

Likewise, Samsumin (62) admitted that he was happy with the PT Timah Healthy Car because to get the treatment he usually had to go to the hospital. However, with the Healthy Car, he can get treatment closer.

"PT Timah is a company that really cares about people's health, thank you because we can get free treatment. Moreover, the service we received, thank God, was very good. Hopefully this healthy car service will continue to be available for people's health," he said. (*)