PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Welcoming its 48th Anniversary, PT Timah Holds Month of Service in South Bangka, Forkompinda Says Residents Feel the Benefits 

SOUTH BANGKA – Welcoming PT Timah's 48th anniversary, the Month of Service was again held in the Company's operational areas.
The Month of Service is a series of activities carried out by PT Timah every year to commemorate the Company's Birthday.

PT Timah's 48th anniversary with the theme 'Moving Compact' will fall on August 2, 2024. However, a series of activities have started to be implemented since this June.

The Month of Service in 2024 will be held in 11 locations with a series of mass circumcision activities, blood donations, and free health checks

The first activity of PT Timah's Month of Service in 2024 was held at the South Bangka Operations Regional Office, on Tuesday (25/6/2024).

PT Timah's Month of Service activities are always greeted enthusiastically by the community and it is not surprising that support from Forkompinda in each region also flows to make the activities intended for the community a success.

Head of the South Bangka District Prosecutor's Office, Riama Sihite, said that this Month of Service activity was very beneficial for the community. Apart from that, residents are very enthusiastic about taking part in the series of activities for this Month of Service.

"I saw how much the community felt the presence of PT Timah in South Bangka in particular. "Hopefully PT Timah will progress and be even better in the future," said Riama.

Commander of Kodim 0432 South Bangka Lieutenant Colonel Sebmy Setiawan appreciated the Month of Service activities carried out by PT Timah Tbk, especially since they were held at the same time as the school holidays.

"The timing of this activity is also very appropriate, because the implementation of this Mass Circumcision activity also coincides with the school children's holiday, so the community is very enthusiastic about taking part in this activity," said Sebmy.

He also hopes that in the future he can collaborate with PT Timah Tbk in implementing the Month of Service activities.

"We hope that in the future the activities of the Month of Service will not only be Mass Circumcisions and blood Donations but can also include the Karya Bakti program, RTLH, as well as activities to clean places of worship or markets, as well as many other activities, which can help the community," he said.

Likewise, South Bangka Sebmy's Assistant for Economy and Development, H. Muhson, said that PT Timah's contribution to the people of South Bangka was extraordinary.

He hopes that in the future, activities like this can continue to be implemented and improved in subsequent years like other series of activities.

"Seeing the public's interest in this activity means that the community is really looking forward to the presence of PT Timah, and I hope that the community can continue to collaborate with PT Timah," said Muhson. (*)