PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Welcoming Independence, Kundur Journalists and PT Timah Tbk Hold Beach Cleanup

TANJUNG BATU -- Welcoming the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, Kundur Journalists together with PT Timah Tbk and the community carried out a beach clean-up activity in Lubuk Village, Kundur District, Sunday (14/8/2022).

Not only cleaning the beach which is a tourist attraction in the village, PT Timah Tbk together with Kundur Journalists also donated two fan units for Surau Nurul Amanah on Lubuk Beach road, Lubuk Village, Kundur District.

The Head of Lubuk Village Youth Andika welcomed the activities carried out by PT Timah Tbk together with Kundur Journalists.

"Hopefully after this activity it will increase the synergy between PT Timah Tbk and the community so that they can work together," she said.

Similarly, community leaders from Lubuk Wan Salim Village also supported this activity and appreciated the fan assistance for their surau.

"It's the right momentum to commemorate the Independence Day by working together and fostering unity for progress. On behalf of the management of Surau, Nurul Amanah, thank you for the fan assistance, so that later the congregation will be more comfortable in carrying out their worship," she said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Lubuk Rudiyanto Village appreciated this activity. It is hoped that the beach will be clean, beautiful and comfortable so that visitors will feel more comfortable to linger at Lubuk Beach.

"In the future this beach can become one of the tourist icons on Kundur Island by presenting clean and beautiful beaches," he said

The Chief Journalist of Kundur Island, Nainggolan expressed his gratitude for the support from PT Timah and the people of Lubuk Village so that this activity can be carried out properly.

"In the future, the cooperation and relationships that have been established and built between PT Timah and fellow journalists from Pulau Kundur can run well and continue to be maintained," he said.