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Various Motivations of Students with Achievement Can Pass the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Class Program Selection, Finally Can Enter the Dormitory

PANGKALPINANG - The selection of the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Class Program at SMAN 1 Pemali for the 2023/2024 Academic Year was enthusiastically welcomed by the students. A total of 257 participants registered for the 2023/2024 academic year selection.

Various motivations trigger the enthusiasm of students to prepare to take part in the selection so they can be accepted into the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program.

As many as 36 students who have passed the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Class program entered the dormitory located in the Pemali Learning Center area, Bangka Regency, on Monday (10/7/2023).

Many students dream of being able to take part in the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program, Desvita Zulfa Marinda said that since she was in 5th grade she had wanted to be able to go to school through the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship class program.

"I am from grade 5 elementary school and already know about the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program from my mother's friend. I got a lot of information since then I was determined to be able to enter the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program. Thank God I got the opportunity," said the student from East Belitung This.

For her, passing the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program not only helps the family's economy but also becomes an opportunity for him to forge knowledge and improve her character.

"Here I can learn to gather with friends who all have goals. In an ecosystem that supports learning, I can also develop myself. This has indeed become my goal," she said, who dreams of becoming a doctor,

In the same vein, Nadhira Mafeliza (15), a student who graduated from SMPN 3 Muntok, admitted that she was very happy to be able to pass the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program because she could make her parents proud.

The family's economic condition, which was not too fortunate, made Nadhira want to be independent to pay for her education. By getting a scholarship, at least she can reduce the economic burden on her family.

"I was nervous about not being accepted, thank God I was finally accepted. Because after graduating from junior high school I thought that going to high school would cost a lot, plus the current family's economic conditions, my father is old and often sick, making me want to be independent, don't want to make it difficult for parents for Nadhira's education," she said.

In the same vein, Adelia Oktavianie, a graduate of SMPN 1 Jebus, admitted that thanks to the support from her parents and her achievements, she was even more determined to take part in the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program.

"Starting with the support of his parents. Adel is passionate about wanting to be independent, and more disciplined, and also wants to ease the burden on parents who work only as daily laborers because PT Timah is paying for education and boarding fees here," explained Adel.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Bangka Education Office Rukiman appreciated PT Timah Tbk's concern for the education of children in the company's operational areas through the scholarship class program.

"To the students who have graduated, we congratulate them and continue their education. We hope that these children will be even more successful in the future. For PT Timah Tbk, thank you for your concern for education. We hope that this program can be maintained and improved, especially the number of students so that it can be added," said Rukiman.