PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Two West Bangka Residents Receive Medical Expense Assistance from PT Timah Tbk

WEST BANGKA -- Yanti's (37) face was happy when she received the arrival of PT Timah Tbk's CSR Team to hand over medical assistance to her husband Sahrul (38) at his home in Dusun VI Pait Jaya, Belo Laut village, Mentok sub-district, West Bangka, Tuesday (25/7) /2023).

Sahrul suffers from a tumor in the nasal cavity (parasanal sinuses) and has been undergoing treatment and care at the Muhammad Husein Palembang Hospital, but his condition has not fully recovered.

Yanti is grateful when her husband is sick, there are still benefactors who reach out to help his family.

"Alhamdulillah, when my husband was sick, his living expenses were helped with the help of neighbors and family, and now PT Timah is helping. Thank you to PT Timah and all neighbors, family, and all for helping our husbands and our families," he said.

In addition to handing over assistance to Sahrul, PT Timah Tbk also handed over assistance to Kiki Novian, a resident of Jl Menara Air Dusun VII Belo Laut Mentok who had a tongue tumor.

Even though Kiki Novian could not speak clearly because of her illness, she tried to explain her current condition.

"Thank God, thank you PT Timah Tbk. The doctor has diagnosed tongue cancer. If conditions allow, he will be referred to the Muhamad Husein Hospital in Palembang," he stammered.

Meanwhile, Head of RT 01 Belo Laut Hamlet VII Endang Wahidin appreciated PT Timah Tbk's assistance to its residents.

"On behalf of myself and Kiki Novian's family, we would like to thank PT Timah for their assistance. Hopefully, PT Timah will continue to progress, be victorious and be able to continue to help the community," he explained. (*)