PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Two Sempan Residents Receive Wheel Chair Assistance from PT Timah Tbk

BANGKA – PT Timah Tbk donated two wheelchairs for persons with disabilities, residents of Sempan Village, Pemali District, Bangka Regency.

These two wheelchair units were given to Nayra Amanda (5) and Naraya Aletha Qirani (5).

Nayra's parents, Yulianti Ningsih, did not expect that their child would receive a wheelchair from PT Timah Tbk.

"To be honest, I did not know that this assistance was from PT Timah, and I also did not expect that PT Timah would assist me. Because it's not just this one or two times that our family has been surveyed to get a wheelchair, but there hasn't been one. But today PT Timah has really helped my baby, thank you PT Timah," said Yulianti.

According to her, her daughter had to be carried everywhere. So this assistance is very helpful for them.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm happy to be able to get a wheelchair, I'm very happy. Before this wheelchair existed, Nayra was always carried everywhere. So having a wheelchair is very helpful for us," she said.

In the same vein, Dodi, the parents of Naraya Aletha Qirani (5) are also very grateful to be able to get help from PT Timah Tbk.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm very grateful to be able to get this wheelchair. Thank you PT Timah for the help. This wheelchair is really needed for my child, sometimes it's too bad if she has to lie in bed every day. With this wheelchair I can take my child go for a walk, you don't have to carry it all the time," he said.

The Head of Sub-Coordinator of Government Activities for Other Social Welfare Issues (PMKSL), Bangka Regency Social Service, Komariah appreciates the commitment of PT Timah Tbk, which often helps residents.

"With PT Timah's CSR assistance, beneficiaries can be helped. Because apart from the regional government's own program it is not covered, but with this assistance we can help residents who need this tool. Hopefully, PT Timah can continue to help our residents, either with other types of assistance," she said. (*)