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Two PT Timah Operational Areas Hold National K3 Month Roll-Out, Raising the Spirit of Safety

BANGKA -- In commemoration of National K3 Month, PT Timah Tbk's two Operational Areas (Wulasi) are holding a National K3 Apple in 2024. The Wilasi holding the Apple are Wilasi Kundur and Wilasi North Bangka.

Wilasi Kundur held the 2024 National K3 Call at the Kundur Smelting and Refining Office Yard, Karimun Regency and Wilasi North Bangka held the Call at Mantung Pier, Belinyu District, Bangka Regency, Tuesday (6/2/2024).

The 2024 National K3 Month Commemoration Call was attended by employees from each Wilasi, the General Manager of PT Timah Tbk, the Head of Wilasi, and PT Timah stakeholders. National K3 Month 2024 carries the theme 'Cultivate K3, be healthy and safe at work, maintain business continuity'.

Apart from implementing the National K3 Month Apple, each Wilasi also signs the K3 commitment carried out by employees and Apple participants.

The K3 rally in Wilasi Kundur was also attended by the General Manager of PT Timah Ryan Andri, Head of North Bangka Wilasi Benny Hutahean, Representative of the Head of the Bangka Regency Manpower, Industry and Trade Service, Insyira Subagia, Head of ESDM Bangka Belitung Lisbagyo, Head of Belinyu Subdistrict Lingga Pranata, Representative Danramil, Representative of KSOP Pangkalbalam and Head of Division within PT Timah.

In the 2024 National K3 Call, each head of Wilasi Kundur Wiyono and Head of Wilasi North Bangka Benny Hutahean read out messages from the Director of Risk Management and HSSE MIND ID.

This mandate emphasizes a number of important messages about K3 Culture that must be implemented in the work environment. So it becomes a moment to increase safety culture maturity to a higher level.

"Safety is number one value, we have to move from a safety first mindset to a safe operation culture where safety is embedded in everything we do," said Benny.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Energy and Natural Resources Service Branch of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Bangka Region, Lisbagyo, said that the K3 Call was not only ceremonial. But to remind you of the importance of work safety.

"The National K3 Month Ceremony is not just a ceremony, but reminds us all of the importance of work safety related to operations and production at PT Timah," he said.

He assessed that the implementation of K3 Culture at PT Timah was quite good, but evaluation still needed to be carried out to prevent fatalities.

"The implementation of K3 at PT Timah is quite good and of course we hope that PT Timah will continue to carry out evaluations, so that accidents that have occurred do not happen again and do not let fatalities occur during mining activities," he said.

Likewise, the Head of the Training and Workforce Placement Division of the Bangka Regency Industry and Trade Manpower Service, Insyira Subagia, hopes that PT Timah can improve the implementation of K3 because it is a form of health and safety guarantee for workers.

"So far, from our observation, PT Timah has been quite good and very good at implementing the K3 Culture. This can be seen from the level of accidents, the disasters that have occurred at PT Timah have been very minimal," he said.

On the occasion of this K3 Apple, PT Timah also gave awards to PT Timah Business Partners who have supported the Company in implementing K3 Culture in the work environment. (*)