PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


To reduce Jenika's Medical Expenses, PT Timah Tbk Provides Assistance to Toddlers with Leaky Hearts

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah Tbk helps to cover Jenika Putri's medical expenses (4). This toddler who suffers from heart disease is currently undergoing treatment at Harapan Kita Hospital in Jakarta.

Jenika's mother, Sumiyati (33) continues to express her gratitude for the assistance from PT Timah Tbk. A resident of Sangku Village, Tempilang sub-district, West Bangka, said that this assistance could help Jenika's needs while in Jakarta.

Sumiyati Tells Jenika was sentenced to suffer from a leaky heart since she was a toddler. However, due to the family's economic condition, Jenika received treatment late.

"Because of financial problems, we have postponed referring Jenika to Jakarta. For the sake of Jenika's recovery, we borrowed money and with the help of Sangku residents and the new Provincial Government, we are heading Jenika to Harapan Kita Hospital in 2021 and only then can we have surgery," she said.

She admitted that ers baby had to re-control after undergoing surgery for some time.

"Thank God, after the operation, Jenika is getting better. I just have to control because the right heart has not recovered, after being at the EO the results are good, only one drug has been stopped, it must be controlled again in 6 months," she said

Sumiyati is grateful to have the help of PT Timah Tbk and various parties. So they can do treatment for Jenika.

"We can only thank PT Timah and all those who helped. Hopefully God will repay, because we really need a helping hand to lighten our burden, because the husband is a day laborer, she has to think about finding money for his needs while in Jakarta," she said.

Meanwhile, the Sub-District Head of TempilangRussian appreciated PT Timah's concern for its residents.

"On behalf of the residents of the Tempilang sub-district, we would like to thank PT Timah for its concern for Tempilang residents, especially Jenika, who is currently receiving treatment in Jakarta. We hope that PT Timah will progress further and be of benefit to the community," said Russian.