PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


To Enhance Shrimp Fishermen's Catch, PT Timah Provides Support for Batu Tuan Group

SAWANG LAUT - To increase the catch of fishermen, PT Timah handed over support to the Batu Tuan II Group of Sawang Laut Village, West Kundur District.

This support from PT Timah will be used to buy shrimp nets for 11 members of the fishermen group.

The head of the Batu Tuan II Group in Sawang Laut Village, Ambran, said that the shrimp net support was urgently needed because many of the group members' shrimp nets had been damaged and affected their catch.

“We use this support from PT Timah to buy shrimp nets for group members. Each member received five threads and we really need this,” he said when contacted, Monday (2/23/2025).

According to him, if they have to spend their own money to buy shrimp nets, it requires a large amount of money, especially with uncertain catches.

“Our main job is a shrimp fisherman, so this support is very helpful for us. Moreover, many of our shrimp nets have been damaged, although not all of PT Timah's support has helped because if we want to buy it ourselves, the price is quite expensive,” he said.

He hopes that the new net can increase their catch so that later it can improve the economy of the fishing community.

According to him, not only this time, PT Timah had also provided net support for their group in the past.

In addition, they are also involved in environmental management by planting mangroves together to maintain the coastal ecosystem.

“PT Timah has several programs that have helped our group. We hope that this can continue so that we can feel more benefits,” he concluded. (*)