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TINS Wins the Best Stock Predicate in 2022 in the Best Stock Event 2022

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah Tbk (TINS) won the title of Best Share in 2022 at the Best Shares Awards 2022 event organized by Investor Magazine in collaboration with Edvisor Profina Visindo and Berita Satu Media Holdings.

TINS won the Raw Goods Sector award in the Big Cap Category (Market Capitalization Above IDR 10 Trillion). The announcement of the Best Shares of the 2022 Awards was held virtually, Wednesday (31/8/2022).

This award was won by the best 73 stocks with 36 stocks in the Big Cap Market Capitalization category above Rp 10 Trillion and 37 stocks in the Mid Cap Market Capitalization category above Rp 500 billion to Rp 10 Trillion.

This TINS ??issuer has been listed on the Stock Exchange since 19 October 1995 and has succeeded in gaining investor confidence to date. Until March 2022 TINS ??recorded assets of Rp. 14.4 trillion with Profit for the Year as of March 2022 of Rp. 601.5 billion.

Director of Berita Satu Media Holdings Primus Dorimulu said that this award event will provide an overview for investors. Through this award, he said, investors can adjust their investment choices.

"This award is given to stocks that are fundamentally tested and proven to provide high returns for investors. Our appreciation is to quality stocks that provide value to investors," he said.

Edvisor.Id CEO Praska Putrantyo said this year's award mechanism used a quantitative approach, such as profitability, valuation and efficiency aspects.

"We are also grouping and screening the list of stocks that will be ranked based on market capitalization value, age of shares listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and transaction liquidity," he said.

He said that this best stock rating has many benefits, such as being a reference for investors on the quality of the selected stocks, identifying the superior value of stocks in similar sectors, and creating an investment basket from the results of selecting the best stocks in each category.

The best stock valuation indicators include financial performance indicators, which include operating profit growth, net profit growth, operating profit margins and trend comparison margins, return on equity, and average equity growth.

"We classify sectoral grouping and capitalization grouping. While the criteria are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for a minimum of three years, the average transaction per day in the last year is at least Rp 1 billion and the issuer is not experiencing default or legal problems," he said.

Meanwhile, Secretary of PT Timah Tbk, Abdullah Umar Baswedan, said that winning the title of Best Shares in 2022 Raw Goods Sector in the Big Cap Category is an encouragement for the company to continue to improve performance.

"On behalf of the management of PT Timah Tbk, I would like to thank you for the award given to PT Timah Tbk as the best share in 2022," he said.

"Of course with this award, PT Timah Tbk as a mining state-owned company that has gone public since 1995. We will strive to improve performance so that we continue to contribute and provide the best benefits to stakeholders," he said.*