PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Three Fostered Partners of PT Timah Tbk Participate in the 2021 Babel Explore MSME Exhibition

*Held at Tanjung Kelayang Beach

BELITUNG – Three partners fostered by PT Timah Tbk participated in the Babel Explore 2021 UMKM exhibition which was held by Bank Indonesia at the Tanjung Kelayang Beach Pendopo, Wednesday-Thursday (29-30/9/2021).

The fostered partners of PT Timah Tbk who participated in this exhibition were Sari Jeruk Kunci Mirando, Batik De Simpor and Pangkal Pewter. PT Timah Tbk supports the fostered partners to take part in the exhibition as a promotional event for MSME products.

One of the fostered partners of PT Timah Tbk, the owner of the De Simpor Batik Studio, Ira Afriliana, said that Batik De Simpor had participated in two exhibitions facilitated by PT Timah Tbk in the exhibition event on Belitong Island.

"We have participated in five exhibitions, and two of them are supported by PT Timah Tbk," said Ira.

The batik craftsman, who is in Lenggang Village, Hanging District, said that participating in the Babel Explore exhibition was a positive thing to market their products. In addition, this virtual and direct activity is an opportunity to introduce their products.

"This is one of the promotional events, we are very helpful and this has a very good impact,
at least people know more about Simpor batik with various typical motifs in East Belitung," he said.

Meanwhile, Timah's craft partner, Budi Pramono, who owns the Pangkal Pewter PGK brand, said the Babel Explore event was very good for their promotion as pewter craftsmen.

"This event is very good, especially for product promotion and marketing our products," he explained.

The craftsman from Bangka Island admitted that he had participated in two exhibitions on Belitung Island.

PT Timah Tbk continues to be committed to supporting MSMEs in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, in addition to disbursing capital costs, PT Timah Tbk also provides guidance and promotion of MSME products. (**)