PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Three East Belitung Residents Receive Assistance for Medical Costs from PT Timah Tbk

EAST BELITUNG -- To reduce medical costs for the community, PT Timah Tbk distributed assistance for medical costs to three residents in East Belitung Regency through the Company's CSR program.

Assistance for medical costs from PT Timah Tbk was distributed to Bintang, a resident of Mekar Jaya Village, Manggar District, Eti Desti, a resident of Sukamandi Village, Damar District, and Leni Yuspita, a resident of Mengkubang Village, Damar District, East Belitung Regency, Wednesday (13/09/2023).

One of the recipients of medical expenses from a member of the mining industry holding MIND ID, Leni Yuspita, said that she had a tumor and had several operations, but this time it grew again in a different part of her body.

"Since 2008 there has been a lump, it has been operated on and it has grown again for about 3 years and has undergone chemotherapy," said Leni Yuspita.

According to Leni, surgery for her disease is currently impossible, because the tumor has spread in her body so treatment can only be done with chemotherapy.

Leni said that the assistance would be used for their medical expenses, especially for their operations.

"We received treatment in Jakarta, and have been going back and forth to Jakarta. In the near future we will go again for chemotherapy to Jakarta again," said Leni.

Likewise, a resident of Sukamandi Village, Eti Desti, said that he was suffering from several diseases such as heart, gallbladder and kidney conditions, and he had high levels of swelling and lupus.

"So I continued to seek treatment and even went to Purwokerto," he said.

Eti said that when seeking treatment in Purwokerto there is one stage where you have to use personal money and BPJS does not apply there either. So now he has run out of funds so some medicines are not being taken.

Therefore, PT Timah Tbk's assistance is very useful and will be used to fight against the disease.

"Thank God, this is useful, and I really need this, and there will be further examinations later," he said.

Meanwhile, Amelia, a parent of Bintang Warga Mekar Jaya Village, who also received treatment costs from PT Timah Tbk, explained that her 1.5-year-old child had multiple venereal diseases.

This disease is a condition where the shape of the genitals is unclear so that they look like female and male genitals at the same time.

"So when he was born he was referred to Jakarta at the RSCM," he said.

According to him, so far Bintang's current condition or gender is female and now he routinely carries out checks.

So, in the near future, Bintang is still waiting for a follow-up surgery schedule, namely the removal of the anal canal, and so far he has had several operations.

"So PT Timah Tbk's assistance really helps us and hopefully our child will be treated soon," he said. (*)