PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Thousands of Employees Pray to God, Hoping that PT Timah Tbk's success will be repeated

PANGKALPINANG -- Thousands of PT Timah Tbk employees held an interfaith prayer together to pray for the continuity and success of the company. A joint prayer was held in a hybrid manner from Graha Timah Pangkalpinang, Friday (27/10/2023).

The prayer carried out in these six religions is a manifestation of the efforts of Timah People towards the condition of the Tin Mining Industry which is increasingly chaotic and has an impact on the performance of PT Timah Tbk.

As is known, the tin mining industry in Indonesia is still unstable, tin prices are still fluctuating, business competition is not conducive and market demand is not yet stable.

This condition also has a direct impact on PT Timah Tbk, which is a tin mining company. PT Timah Tbk's performance is considered to have declined due to several factors.

This joint prayer activity initiated by PT Timah Tbk employees is a form of endeavor to Almighty God. PT Timah Tbk has faced various difficulties and challenges in recent years. Declining revenues, pressure from competitors, and internal and external challenges have impacted the company's position.

Apart from Interfaith Joint Prayer, PT Timah Tbk also supports dozens of orphans and orphans in Pangkalpinang City. The activity was also continued with joint Hajat Prayers.

President Director of PT Timah Tbk Ahmad Dani Virsal said that this joint prayer was a momentum to improve people's spiritual connection to God within the framework of unity.

He said PT Timah Tbk had made various efforts to improve the company's condition. For this reason, he said, PT Timah Tbk is also making efforts to get blessings from God so that the serious challenges experienced by PT Timah Tbk can find the best solution.

"We are gathered here as an effort to increase our spiritual enthusiasm in uniting the goal of improving our spiritual quality. Improving our relationship with God the Creator amidst the efforts we have made so far to improve the condition of the company. Many extraordinary events have encouraged us all to try harder and improve the company's performance so that it improves quickly," he said.

Nevertheless, he invited PT Timah Tbk employees to remain enthusiastic, because the challenges they face are part of the process of continuing to improve performance, used as motivation and learning so that the company can develop more, be more creative, innovative and survive.

"Every effort should be accompanied by spiritual efforts to hope for blessings so that the challenges faced are immediately given a solution. Hopefully this challenge will make us stronger. We intend together that all the work we do is intended for Allah's sake so that everything will feel easy and light and with prayer "We can also change destiny," he said.

"I welcome this activity, it reflects to us that piety and togetherness, solidarity, brotherhood within the framework of unity and oneness," he said.

The initiator of this joint prayer activity, Guntur Avriyandi, said that this joint prayer was a moment for reflection, strengthening friendship and a moment to surrender and reunite with a common goal to restore the glory of PT Timah Tbk.

Currently, he said, there are several challenges facing PT Timah Tbk, the unhealthy mining business climate has an impact on the company's performance which also has an impact on employee welfare. For this reason, he said, joint efforts are needed to restore the company's glory.

"This is a moment for us together to reflect on whether we have all worked well in the company, so that the company can continue to survive. The current condition of the company of course also has an impact on employees, the extended family of PT Timah Tbk, and the community," he said.

He said joint efforts were needed to maintain the continuity of the company amidst the challenges it faced, he said the problems were not only internal to the company but also external.

"PT Timah Tbk represents the country, plays a role in supporting regional development, but in fact today we see that we are still questioning the commitment of stakeholders to support PT Timah Tbk, even though what the company is doing is for the common good," he said.

With this joint prayer, it is hoped that it will be a moment to come together to realize, unite the strengths of Timah's people, improve the spiritual relationship with the creator so that PT Timah Tbk can face challenges.

"PT Timah PT Timah has made every effort and effort to carry out all the company's business processes as well as possible, but the results have not been as desired. So we always have a good opinion, maybe God has a better plan for PT Timah Tbk," he hoped.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Timah Employees Association, Irfan Yuliandi, said that this joint prayer was a form of effort to ask Allah for help with the various problems PT Timah Tbk is currently facing.

He admitted that the problems currently being faced were not only internal but also external. The current condition of the company's production continues to decline, PT Timah Tbk's sovereignty over its concession areas, employee welfare must be considered.

"In principle, as servants of God, we make efforts, pray and trust. We know that there are many problems both internal and external to the company, so by praying we complain and surrender to Allah so that our collective desires can be fulfilled by Allah SWT," he said.

According to him, improving company conditions will also have an impact on employee welfare, contributions to the state through taxes and PNBP will also increase and contributions to society will also be better.

"There are many problems currently facing PT Timah Tbk, internal problems of employee demotivation, then externally there are legal problems, problems of PT Timah Tbk's sovereignty in the IUP itself because conditions are not good," he said.

With this medium of joint prayer, it is hoped that God will be able to grant and simplify all of PT Timah Tbk's business processes.

"We hope that with this collective prayer, our prayers will all be accepted by the company that the company will continue to prosper for our children and grandchildren. When the company is good, the employees can prosper, the community can also feel the impact," he said.

Likewise, Chairman of the Tin Employees Association (PKT) Ahmad Tarmizi said that joint prayer is a form of effort to ask Allah for help to help improve the company's performance.

"Now that we know that production is decreasing, friends are also thinking about the legal uncertainty that the company is experiencing regarding its own IUP. With this prayer, we hope that our friends' spirits which are starting to feel down will return and we can work together to maintain the sustainability of the company," he said.

He hopes that PT Timah Tbk can repeat its glory again so that the benefits can also be felt collectively by both employees, society and the country.

"We hope that with this joint prayer for the good of our company, PT Timah Tbk will progress, be successful, tin ore will increase and we will all be enthusiastic about the company's progress," he said.

Deputy Chairman of FKUB Babel representing Islam, Syamlawi Ahmad, said that what PT Timah Tbk is doing is a form of the company's efforts to complement the physical and mental efforts that have been carried out so far.

"This is a spiritual effort to strengthen the spirit of the hard work that has been done. As creatures of God, this effort will be more perfect with spiritual efforts. Because this is a common problem, so this effort must be done together. Concentrating spiritual strength to face problems together is necessary. praying together becomes more focused on what is being done," he said.