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This is an Iconic Interesting Photo Spot in Selinsing Reclamation Village

*Managed by PT TIMAH Tbk

EAST BELITUNG -- Integrated management of ex-mining land in Selinsing Reclamation Village, Selinsing Village, East Belitung Regency has a tourist attraction and contemporary photo spot.

In addition to managing ex-mining land, this area is also arranged and equipped with various interesting icons. No wonder several spots are crowded with tourists when they come to Selinsing Reclamation Village.

This ex-tin mining area carries the concept of agro-tourism. Here, visitors can find interesting photo spots, such as views of the expanse of the river with the light reflection of the trees.

In addition, there are piers, houses on stilts, fishing villas, horticultural areas, kupi tumpa, pencil signage, giant brands, concrete keyboards, and livestock areas that can make your photo background when visiting Selinsing Reclamation Village.

Well, for those who want to explore Kampong Reclamation here, there are also various facilities such as prayer rooms, traditional houses, and gazebos. For those who don't have time to bring food and drink, the canteen owned by BUMDes Selinsing is ready to provide the best menus to pamper your tongue.

This ex-mining area managed by PT TIMAH Tbk is getting more and more interesting because the planted fruit trees are starting to grow which makes this area even shadier.

For those who want to go on a water tour, Selinsing Reclamation Village also provides water tourism rides. Tourists can use water bikes to explore the lake.

The chairman of BUMDEs Selinsing Diki Apriansyah, who is a partner of PT TIMAH Tbk in managing this area, said that people who come to visit generally always take pictures in interesting spots.

When visitors are crowded, they are willing to queue to wait for the queue to take pictures there.

"For enthusiastic visitors who come, indeed the first thing that visitors want is to take pictures, and enthusiastic visitors in terms of taking pictures are very enthusiastic," said Diki.

According to Diki, they provide many photo spots, but there are photo spots that are favorites for visitors or tourists, namely the reclamation village icon and concrete keyboard.

"For the spots with the most icons or writings of reclaimed villages and keyboards," he explained.

Diki added that all photo spots in the reclamation village are free.

Kuy, don't forget to capture your moment when you visit Kampong Reklamasi in these interesting photo spots.