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The Two Largest Tin Producers in the World Meet, PT Timah and Yunnan Tin Discuss Three Synergistic Things

JAKARTA -- Yunnan Tin and PT Timah Tbk are starting to explore synergistic cooperation, this was marked by Yunnan Tin's working visit to the PT Timah office in Jakarta, on Wednesday (12/6/2024).

President Director of PT Timah Ahmad Dani Virsal together with Director of Production Operations Nur Adi Kuncoro, Director of Business Development Dicky Octa Zahriadi together with Head of Commercial Division Yenni Wiska welcomed the Yunnan Tin group.

The Yunnan Tin delegation who attended included the Chairman and General Manager of Yunnan Tin Company Limited Liu Luke, CFO of Yunnan Tin Company Limited Yue Min, Manager of the Operation Management Department of Yunnan Tin Company Limited Peng Mingyan, Deputy Manager of the Market Operation Center of Yunnan Tin Company Limited Zhang Ci, General Manager of Yunnan Tin Trading (Shanghai) Company Limited Xie Fang, and Marketing Manager of Yuntinic (Hongkong) Resources Company Limited Liu Tao.

This meeting of two world tin producers is a follow-up discussion following the International Tin Conference meeting which took place in Penang - Malaysia some time ago.

During the meeting, several strategic matters were discussed between PT Timah and Yunnan Tin, namely related to marketing aspects, technological aspects and product development as well as supplies to subsidiaries.

The results of this meeting will later be followed up with a Memorandum of Understanding (Mou) which will be implemented in some time.

President Director of PT Ahmad Dani Virsal said, with the exploration of this collaboration, PT TIMAH Tbk as the country's representative in tin mining invites global players to support each other in the tin trade system.

"This synergy is of course very important, considering that tin is a mineral that is really needed by industry on a global scale. PT Timah collaborates with various parties, including fellow tin producers, to maintain the sustainability of tin minerals," said Dani.

Meanwhile, representatives from Yunnan Tin explained that this meeting was very constructive and they welcomed the possibility of strategic cooperation between the two parties. (*)