PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


The roof of the TPA Nurul Ilmi in Penagan Village was damaged by a tornado, PT TIMAH Tbk handed over aid for repairs

BANGKA - The Nurul Ilmi Al Quran Education Park (TPA) in Hamlet 7, Penagan Village, Mendo Barat District, Bangka Regency was damaged by being hit by a tornado that occurred on Wednesday (26/10/2022).

The roof of the Nurul Ilmi landfill terrace collapsed due to a tornado that occurred in the early hours of the morning. For this reason, PT TIMAH Tbk handed over zinc assistance to the TPA Leader Nurul Ilmi Jumli who was also witnessed by the Head of Mendo Barat Sub-district Hismunandar at the Nurul Ilmi TPA yard, Wednesday (26/10/2022).

Hilmi said that he could not believe that the TPA he led was also affected by the tornado. Previously, he said, the TPA had also been hit by a tornado but not as bad as this time.

“This morning, residents reported to me that one side of the TPA building was damaged by a hurricane. When I came and saw that the condition of this terrace was already falling apart," he said.

He assessed that the damage to the TPA terrace was quite severe due to the hurricane. According to him, the TPA which has been built since 1996 is a place for children to learn.

Jumli was endlessly grateful when PT TIMAH Tbk swiftly handed over equipment assistance to repair the landfill.

“I didn't expect to receive this assistance, and the village side also had time to document our collapsed building, but we didn't expect that PT TIMAH would spontaneously help us. We are very grateful for this assistance," said the man who is often called Pak Cik.

Meanwhile, the West Mendo Sub-district Head Hismunandar said that his party was very grateful because PT TIMAH Tbk was quick to respond to the calamities that befell their residents.

“PT TIMAH Tbk is very responsive. We feel very helpful with the assistance from PT TIMAH Tbk. Because we are aware of the limited budget we have. We really hope for support from PT TIMAH," he said.

According to him, with the help of materials in the form of zinc, it is very helpful for TPA Nurul Ilmi to repair damaged roofs. Hismunandar assessed that this assistance from PT TIMAH Tbk was a form of the company's concern for the community.

Furthermore, he conveyed that tornadoes occur almost every year in the areas he leads, such as Penagan Village, Kapur City, Air Buluh, Petaling, Kemuja, and Kace.

"In terms of disaster management, we can only provide a quick response to the affected communities, by deploying teams from BPBD or related agencies, and in this case, we also help as little as possible, such as basic necessities," he said.

He hopes that in the future PT Timah Tbk can continue to help their citizens in sharing sectors.

“Hopefully PT Timah Tbk can continue to help with social and religious activities. And thank God, during the last pandemic, PT Timah was also very concerned about our residents, namely by distributing aid in the form of masks and basic necessities, and we felt PT Timah's concern for our community," he said.