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The Roof of Surau Daru Fitrah, Teluk Air Village, Leaks, PT Timah Tbk Hands Over Surau Renovation Aid

KARIMUN -- To improve the comfort of the congregation in worshiping, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance for the renovation of Surau Darul Fitrah, Teluk Air Village, Karimun District, Karimun Regency, Monday (17/10/2022).

The head of Surau Darul Fitrah, Teluk Air Village, Karimun District, Ahmadi said that Surau Darul Fitrah had to be renovated because some parts of the roof had leaked.

He added that the rainy season makes the congregation uncomfortable praying because it leaks in some parts.

"The condition of the roof is rotten and many are leaking, so that during the rainy season like now it becomes inconvenient to use for worship," said Ahmadi.

According to Ahmadi, the assistance provided by PT Timah Tbk will be used to buy a roof so that it won't leak again.

He is grateful to have received assistance from PT Timah Tbk so that later the renovation process can run faster. He also appreciated PT Timah Tbk's concern to help them.

"I represent the Management and the Congregation of Surau Darul Falah, I am happy because PT Timah is paying attention to us," he said.

"Hopefully, with the help of PT Timah, we can quickly make repairs so that the Surau can be used to worship comfortably," he said.