BANGKA - The mass circumcision participants accompanied by their parents enthusiastically came to the Bukit Layang Village office to take part in a mass circumcision in the context of PT Timah Tbk's Service Month which was held in Bukit Layang Village, Bakam District, Bangka Regency, Saturday (15/7/2023).
One by one they came, waiting for their turn to be called by medical staff from PT Timah Tbk at the Bukit Layang Village Meeting Hall. While waiting for their turn, they were presented with various cartoons. There was a tense and calm expression when the circumcision process was about to begin, as well as a happy radiance when they had been circumcised.
Happy smiles appeared when the children received various gifts from PT Timah Tbk after being circumcised.
PT Timah Tbk is holding a Service Month with mass circumcisions and blood donation activities to welcome the 47th anniversary of PT Timah Tbk on August 2. In this 47th anniversary, PT Timah Tbk carries the theme 'Harmony and Hard Work'.
PT Timah Tbk's Service Month at Bukit Layang Village was also attended by the General Manager of PT Timah Tbk, Robertus Bambang Susilo, Head of Alluvial Mining I Bangka Induk Rahendra, Kapolsek Bakam Iptu Widi Tupilia, Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas, Head of Bukit Layang Village, Surono, Representative of the Public Health Center and the surrounding community.
Dozens of children from Bukit Layang Village and its surroundings took advantage of PT Timah Tbk's mass circumcision activities.
Defran Ainur Rahman (7), a resident of Dusun Sidomulyo, was happy when he left the mass circumcision room. Throughout the circumcision process, he was relatively calm. A smile etched on her tiny lips when her father Suparman put on a new sarong from PT Timah Tbk.
"I am happy to have been circumcised because I want to be alone. It only hurts a little. I hope PT Timah will continue to be successful," he said during a conversation.
This grade 1 elementary school student was told by his father that he had been preparing for his circumcision since morning.
"The child wants to be alone, I also tell him that he will get sick but only a little. Maybe that's what calms him down," said Suparman.
According to him, this mass circumcision from PT Timah Tbk really helped them to reduce the cost of circumcision.
"It's very helpful, first in terms of cost. Because if we do it ourselves the costs are quite expensive. Then from the children's point of view, they are also happy to get bags, watches and other prizes. Thank you to PT Timah Tbk for organizing this, hopefully, it will be held every year because very helpful," he said.
Senada Fatir (7) admitted that he was very happy to have been circumcised. Moreover, this is his own wish.
"I am happy to have been circumcised, I want to be circumcised myself because I am already big," he said.
Fatir's parents, Siti Mulya, were nervous when they witnessed their son being circumcised. But seeing his son's calm, he also felt more relieved.
"I am excited (excited red) because this is the first time for my child. But thank God he is calm and I am happy and helped by PT Timah Tbk's mass circumcision," She said.
For her, having a free circumcision plus children getting gifts is a blessing to be grateful for.
"Alhamdulillah, this really helps to reduce the cost of circumcision. Hopefully, PT Timah Tbk will often hold something like this," he said.
The Head of Bukit Layang Village, Surono said that their residents were very enthusiastic about participating in this mass circumcision that was being held by PT Timah Tbk.
"Our residents are very enthusiastic about this mass circumcision. The participants are not only from our village. Because this is very helpful to the community, especially in terms of costs, because those who participate are also from underprivileged families," he said.
According to him, PT Timah Tbk cares about the people in their village because last year PT Timah Tbk also provided free health services through PT Timah Tbk's Health Car in their village.
"Thank you PT Timah Tbk for caring for the community in Bukit Layang Village, hopefully at the age of 47 PT Timah Tbk will be even closer to the community," he said.
Meanwhile, General Manager of PT Timah Tbk Robertus Bambang Susilo who was present at the event said that this mass circumcision was an expression of gratitude for the employees and management of PT Timah Tbk. At the same time the company's efforts to continue to maintain harmonization and synergy with the community.
"The Bakti Month is one of the company's momentum to share happiness with the community. With more, we hope that PT Timah Tbk can continue to spread benefits to society," he said. (*)