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The Dedication of PT Timah Group Women, Creates, Empowers, and Inspires

PANGKALPINANG -- Women who work in mining sector prove that resilience and dedication know no gender. With a burning passion, they contribute to driving the wheels of the industry, as well as inspiring other women to dare to step beyond their limits.

Breaking stereotypes, reaching the dream of the mining world has been synonymous with a male-dominated sector. The existence of women in PT Timah Group is proof that equality and professionalism can bring positive changes in the world of work.

With carefulness, intelligence, and high spirits, they prove that women are able to play an important role in the success of mining operations.

PT Timah Group appreciates the great women who have contributed in various fields.

PT Timah Group continues to be committed to creating an inclusive work environment for women, providing space for them to develop and demonstrate their best capacity. Many great women in PT Timah Group have strategic roles, both in administration and mining operations.

Nova Anggraeni, an employee of the Production Planning and Control section at PT DAK, said she felt lucky to be given the opportunity to join PT Timah Group and to be trusted to play an active role in a work environment that upholds gender equality.

“I feel lucky that the company provides opportunities and career opportunities. PT DAK provides many opportunities for women to contribute, such as when I was given the trust to lead a ship repair project which in fact the workforce is dominated by men,” she said.

Nova hopes that in the future, women in the mining industry will also get rewards and wider job opportunities in the mining industry.

Similarly, Dyta Andhina, an employee of PT Timah Investasi Mineral in the Monitoring Subsidiary section, feels proud to be able to face the work challenges of adapting to a male-dominated work environment.

“Through effective communication and commitment to my work, I managed to get recognition for my ideas and contributions, even though it was not always easy,” she said.

Dyta added that PT Timah Group has been proactive in supporting the career development of women in the mining industry.

“With proactive steps, PT Timah Group provides opportunities for women to develop their careers through various training and mentoring programs,” she added.

In addition to Nova and Dyta, an inspiring experience also came from Ika Korniawati who works as an expert staff at PT Timah Karya Persada Properti. Ika revealed that the role of women in a company, especially in the mining industry, is very important.

“The presence of women in the mining industry is very valuable, as a woman who is part of PT Timah Group, I feel supported by an inclusive and collaborative work environment,” she said.

Meanwhile, Desiani Pancaria, as GM Human Resources & General Administration Staff at PT Tanjung Alam Jaya shared her views on the implementation of gender equality within PT Timah Group.

“PT Timah Group provides gender equality through inclusiveness policies, such as providing equal opportunities in promotion and career development, and ensuring a work environment that is friendly to women both in terms of facilities and policies that support work and personal life balance,” she said.

On the other hand, Claudya Laurent, a Finance Manager at PT Timah Agro Manunggal conveyed a message to young women who have dreams of a career in the mining industry.

“For young women, never be afraid to break the stereotype that working in the mining industry is dominated by men, never be afraid to dream big, there are so many women who have succeeded in becoming leaders in the mining industry,” she said.

With the role of great women who continue to work, empower, and inspire, PT Timah group can continue to develop its business, and create opportunities for women to achieve success in the mining industry. (*)