With the aim of guiding and operating security on dredges, suction vessels and marine areas in Bangka Belitung, PT TIMAH Tbk cooperates with the Indonesian Navy Base Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The collaboration was implemented in the form of a Cooperation Agreement Manuscript which was signed by PT TIMAH Tbk President Director M. Riza Pahlevi Tabrani and Babel Lanal Commander, Marine Lt. Col. Mohammad Taufik MMDS, held at Griya Timah Pangkalpinang, Tuesday, 8 February 2019.
LANAL Babel is a security institution authorized and responsible for safeguarding National Vital Objects and sea patrols in the Bangka Belitung sea area. The authority owned by LANAL Babel is in accordance with this country laws and regulations.
Based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree number 1762 K / 07 / MEM / 2007 concerning Safeguarding National Vital Objects in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector, PT Timah Tbk is one of the National Vital Objects.
Not only for guiding the implementation of cooperation between the two parties, the collaboration also aims to create safe conditions and a conducive business environment in the field of tin mining in the waters of Bangka Belitung.