PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Thanks to the assistance of hand tractors from PT Timah Tbk, the results of the Bukit Naga Farmers Group are increasing

TANJUNG BATU -- The Maulana Bukit Naga Farmers Group, Tanjung Batu Barat Village, Kundur District has been able to increase its crop yields since receiving hand tractor assistance from PT Timah Tbk some time ago.

Chairman of the Maulana Bukit Naga Farmers Group, Suratno, said that after receiving a hand tractor from PT Timah Tbk, the vegetable production produced by their group continued to increase. This is because their work becomes faster and easier with the help of a hand tractor.

"Thank God, since we were helped by the Hand Tractor by PT Timah, our harvest has been quite abundant and able to meet the vegetable needs of the people on Kundur Island," said Suratno when met on the sidelines of his activities, on Tuesday (28/11/2023).

According to him, their farmer group grows various types of vegetables such as chilies, eggplant, long beans, corn, bitter melon, and mustard greens.

"Moreover, some time ago the price of chilies was quite good so it was able to provide profits for farmers," he said.

Currently, Suratno and his group are working on land to plant chilies and bitter melon.

"Now we are cultivating the land to plant chilies. The chili seeds that we sowed are old enough to be moved to the land or beds that we are cultivating," he said.

They are grateful that PT Timah Tbi continues to care for their farmer groups to wait for agricultural results by providing tools.

"We are very grateful to receive assistance and attention from PT Timah. Hopefully, the company will continue to progress and develop so that it can continue to help the community," he hoped.

Meanwhile, Tanjung Batu Barat Village Head Gefri appreciated PT Timah Tbk for helping Farmer Groups in his area.

"With the help of farming equipment, it has an economic impact on farming communities by increasing agricultural yields," he said. (*)