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Thanks to PT Timah Tbk's PUMK Program, Yasrul's Restaurant Business Was Able to Survive During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

TANJUNG BATU -- Yasrul has started a Padang restaurant business since 2010. He provides various types of side dishes to meet consumer needs.

Not only providing food, Yasrul's restaurant also prepares coffee for buyers. So it's not surprising, since early in the morning Yasrul's restaurant has been visited by consumers.

However, usually Yasrul's restaurant starts to get crowded around 10:00 WIB until the afternoon. Providing a menu of Padang specialties makes Yasrul's business increasingly known to the public.

At first Yasrul's business went smoothly, but during the last pandemic his business was affected, his turnover decreased drastically. Even he was confused to maintain his business.

"During the pandemic, we all know that the economic situation is difficult, the prices of basic necessities are rising and the people's purchasing power is low, this is a serious blow to my business," Yasrul said recently.

He admitted, not only his business was affected, but several other sectors also experienced the same thing with the decline in people's purchasing power.

Yasrul made various efforts to save his Padang restaurant business. One of them is by utilizing PT Timah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding (PUMK) program. Having various sources of information related to this program made him determined to increase capital so that his business can continue to survive.

"After getting information from various sources, both print and online media, as well as several traders who have taken advantage of this program. I am sure that with this program I can continue to maintain my business," he said.

With the capital he got from PT Timah Tbk's PUMK Program, Yasrul improved the kitchen so that it was more spacious and comfortable to use for cooking. He also added spending capital such as vegetables, fish, chicken meat and other spices.

"Alhamdulillah, since there has been leeway for community activities, food orders have started to get crowded again and I am grateful for that," he said.

In fact, he is currently adding one more manpower to three people who previously only had two people. He added the workforce because the restaurant was starting to get busy again.

"I hope that in the future the partnership program from PT Timah Tbk will continue, because it is very helpful for small business actors. This program is very helpful," he said.