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Thanks to Capital from PT Timah Tbk, Bujang Can Add Fishing Equipment

KUNDUR --- Decades of being a traditional fisherman have made Bujang (50) a resident of Dusun III Mata Air, Kundur Village, Kundur Barat District, continue to carry out his profession despite experiencing obstacles.

As a fisherman, adequate fishing equipment is a factor in order to increase catches. However, unfortunately, due to limited funds, Bujang can only go to sea with the simple equipment he has.

"We are traditional fishermen, so we can't catch fish far to the middle of the sea. Because of inadequate equipment, so the results obtained are also uncertain. If we are lucky, Alhamdulillah, we get more fish than usual," he said.

Bujang said that he could not find fish in the middle of the sea because of limited fishing equipment. The reason is that the nets he has are not suitable, the canoe he uses must also be repaired and the engine of the ship he uses has not been able to go to sea too far.

"I want to add nets, repair the canoe and change the engine, but this is not possible because of limited capital. Because the equipment is simple, I can't go to sea far," said Bujang.

He continues to look for ways to increase his fishing gear so that he can increase his catch. Bujang finally decided to increase capital through PT Tmah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding Program (PUMK).

"I heard about this program, to determine whether the program can be intended for fishermen, we along with several other fishermen sought the information from PT Timah Unit Kundur. It turned out to be true and fishermen could take advantage of this program," he said.

According to him, with the additional capital lent by PT Timah Tbk, his wish to add fishing gear such as nets, repair pompongs and replace machines can be realized.

"Hopefully after this, my catch will increase, because the equipment is complete and can go to sea further. There are many conveniences from this program to help business actors," he said.

"I hope this program can continue so that many other fishermen can take advantage of this program, so that it can help improve the economy of the fishing community," he said.