PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Tanjung Residents Are Enthusiastic about Coming to PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car, They Can Get Treatment Closer and for Free

WEST BANGKA -- Hundreds of people from Tanjung sub-district, West Bangka flocked to the PT Timah Healthy Car who came to the West Police Satpolair Office, on Thursday (16/11/2023).

Everyone from children to the elderly enthusiastically came to have their health checked from morning until noon.

As stated by H. Hasim (91), a resident of RT 02 RW 11 plp Tanjung admitted that he was grateful to receive free health services from PT Timah.

"Thank God, I got free treatment from PT Timah, brought by my grandson for treatment for leg pain. Thank you for being given free treatment from PT Timah," he said.

Likewise, Desi Pariani (42), a resident of RT 01 RW 14, Tanjung sub-district, admitted that he was happy with the free treatment from PT Timah Tbk. She and her family used it to carry out health checks.

"Very happy, apart from being close, the doctor directly provides the service. We small people feel helped by a health program like this which is very good, we come directly to the residents to provide treatment.

Hopefully, it will continue to be maintained," she said

The Healthy Car service was also utilized by Suryahayati (65), a resident from Lampung who happened to be in the area.

"Thank you for being given free treatment from PT Timah, coincidentally the family invited us because we are from Lampung. We are happy to get this treatment service," she said.

Chairman of RT 02 RW 14 Tanjung sub-district Evrianti (36) appreciated the presence of Healthy Cars. According to her, this is the first time that Healthy Cars has been present in their area.

"Our residents are very happy to get free health services, especially during the change of season, many residents are experiencing health problems," she said.

According to her, PT Timah Tbk often helps its citizens, especially when there is a disaster.

"During floods accompanied by strong winds, PT Timah helped residents' collapsed houses, helped with ready-to-eat food, and during the pandemic provided basic food assistance to residents. We thank you for the arrival of Healthy Cars and their concern for residents," she concluded.