PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Taking advantage of PT Timah Tbk's PUMK Program, Hamid's Terasi Business can Expand its Marketing to Other Areas

SAWANG -- PT Timah's Micro and Small Business Funding Program (PUMK) continues to help MSMEs in the company's operational areas to develop their businesses.

Not only that, through the PUMK program PT Timah Tbk with capital assistance and coaching encourages MSMEs to be independent, create employment opportunities, and have competitiveness.

One of the partners developed by PT Timah Tbk, Hamid, who is a Gumbang fisherman, said that his shrimp paste-making business had developed quite well after becoming a partner developed by PT Timah Tbk.

He started a business making shrimp paste 10 years ago. As a fisherman, he used his catch as raw material for making shrimp paste, so he had no difficulty finding raw materials.

After running this shrimp paste-making business for several years, Hamid and his wife wanted to develop their shrimp paste-making business so that it could be marketed outside the island. However, they are constrained by capital.

Hamid made various attempts and attempts to find information on funding programs that he felt would not be burdensome and would help his business grow.

However, he was grateful when he learned about PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program so he was confident to take advantage of this program to develop his shrimp paste making business.

"Thank God, after receiving help and explanation, I submitted a proposal and am grateful to be able to help with this program," he said.

After receiving additional capital from PT Timah Hamid and his wife began to increase their shrimp paste production.

"I used the capital injection from PT Timah to buy shrimp from local fishermen as raw material for making shrimp paste and we were able to increase shrimp paste production," he said.

Hamid's shrimp paste products have a distinctive taste and are palatable to the people of Kundur, so their shrimp paste often sells well. m

With the increase in production numbers, they also spread their wings to increase their marketing reach, such as reaching Moro Island, Durai, and surrounding areas.

According to Hamid, PT Timah's PUMK program is very good and supports the community and MSMEs, because apart from being easy to process administration, there are also many conveniences.

"We hope that the PT Timah PUMK Program will continue to help the community, especially small business actors, to be able to develop and compete," he said.