PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Take advantage of PT Timah's PUMK Program, Sofyan Can Develop Other Businesses

TANJUNG BATU -- Starting your own business is not as easy as one might think. This is what Sofyan, one of the foster partners of PT Timah Tbk, said.

Sofyan, who was originally a worker at a company in Batam, decided to quit. He chose this so that he could always be close to his family.

Armed with his savings from his previous job, he raised capital and rented a shophouse to set up an oil kiosk business in the Jalan Sunaryo area, Tanjung Batu Village, Kundur District.

"I've been working with people in Batam for a long time and I'm also tired when I often go back and forth to Tanjung Batu - Batam. Moreover, I have to be far away from my family. So while raising capital for my business, I work in Batam," he said when met some time ago.

Although not easy, the oil kiosk business continues to develop. He even thought about adding another type of business because he saw an opportunity for the basic food business to meet the needs of the community around his business.

To increase this type of business, Sofyan is constrained by capital, because it requires a lot of capital if he wants to develop a basic food shop business.

Like a tit for tat, after receiving information from the public regarding PT Timah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding Program (PUMK), he tried to find information to be able to take advantage of this program.

Sofyan is grateful that his proposed proposal can be approved by PT Timah Tbk so that he can continue his desire to build

After completing all the requirements, Sofyan submitted a proposal and he was very happy because the proposal was approved by PT Timah Tbk.

"This program makes it very easy for me, for example, we can use the capital immediately and we only pay the installments three months after disbursement. The capital can be used for business," he said.

According to Sofyan, from PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program capital loan, he was able to develop his basic food business. Not only that, but he has also been able to build his place of business without the need to rent again.

"Alhamdulillah, we are no longer renting, because the business is growing after getting a capital loan," he said.

He said, he felt a lot of benefits from this capital loan. He plans to re-develop other businesses.

"This program is very good and helpful, not burdensome and most importantly can increase business capital," he said.