PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Suwarti Suwarti with Intestinal Tumor Receives Aid from PT Timah Tbk

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah Tbk again handed over medical assistance for the community. This time, Suwarti (73), a resident of RT 01, RW 02, Sungai Baru Village, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency who received medical assistance from PT Timah Tbk.

Suwarti has an intestinal tumor and has had her first surgery. She has to rest for two months to prepare for the second surgery.

Every day Suwarti is accompanied by her husband (80) Suwarno, while taking care of his wife Suwarno can't find sustenance. So far, they survive by selling pecel.

"Can't make a living while his wife is sick, which she started suffering for 2 years. For the necessities of life, we have to give up our property to be sold, and help neighbors who feel sorry for our condition, as well as the help of the RW head who cares about us," said Suwarno.

He is grateful to have PT Timah Tbk's attention because it can help with his wife's daily living expenses and medical expenses.

"We thank you for the attention of PT Timah, as well as RW and local residents who care about our condition. Only God can repay the sir and madam kindness and PT Timah," said Suwarno.

He said his wife plans to undergo a follow-up operation next month in Pangkalpinang.

Meanwhile, the Head of RW 02 Sungai Baru Urban Village, Regatha, said that Suwarti's condition invited sympathy, therefore she and her residents helped.

"Regarding the illness suffered by Ms. Suwarti, which requires further treatment with the economic condition of the family who is classified as poor/poor, I and the residents are concerned and are trying to raise aid, and it will be forwarded to PT Timah," he said.

He is grateful that PT Timah Tbk responded to this quickly and he is happy that PT Timah Tbk cares about people in need.*