PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Suppressing the Spread of Covid-19,PT Timah Distributes Thousands of Sheets of Masks to the Community

PANGKALPINANG – Covid-19 cases in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands continue to soar, to prevent, reduce and break the chain of the spread of Covid-19, the community must be disciplined in implementing health protocols with 5M (Wearing Masks, Washing Hands, Keeping Distance, Staying Away from Crowds and Reducing Mobility)

For this reason, PT Timah Tbk distributed thousands of masks to the public at several points in Pangkalpinang City. This is an effort by the company to assist the government in inviting the public to be disciplined in implementing health protocols.

Through an activity entitled 'PT Timah Tbk Shares Masks, Prevents Covid-19 #AyoPakaiMasker PT Timah distributes 2,500 pieces in crowded centers such as the Pangkalpinang City Morning Market, Food Stalls and in the PT Timah Tbk Head Office area, Tuesday (3/8/ 2021).

"The distribution of masks this morning was carried out at the morning market, targeting traders, parking attendants and market visitors who do not use masks, as well as masks that are not suitable," said Head of Corporate Communications of PT Timah Tbk, Anggi Siahaan, Tuesday (3/8/ 2021).

Anggi said that the distribution of these masks would be continued to the people who were near the PT Timah Tbk head office area. Through this activity, it is hoped that the community will be more concerned and able to implement health protocols.

"By distributing masks, we invite the community to be disciplined in implementing health protocols. Because the simple thing of wearing a mask has a significant impact on stopping the spread of Covid-19," he said.

Previously, PT Timah Tbk since the Covid-19 pandemic last year had also distributed tens of thousands of masks to the community around the company's operational areas. Where these masks are made by MSME actors as an effort to move the community's economy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition, PT Timah Tbk has also distributed hundreds of portable sinks which are distributed in public places to make it easier for people to wash their hands in public places.