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Supporting the P5 Program at SMKN 1 Sungailiat, Head of Human Capital Division PT Timah Sharing Personal Branding Knowledge with Students

BANGKA -- PT Timah continues to support the world of education through various programs, not only providing scholarships but also improving formal and informal education facilities and infrastructure. PT Timah also supports learning activities in schools.

To support the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) program, part of the independent curriculum. PT Timah, represented by the Head of the Human Capital Division, Fikha Lutfi, was the guest teacher at SMKN 1 Sungailiat.

The P5 activity which was held with the theme Work with the topic 'Personal Branding 'I am my expression' was held in the SMKN1 Sungailiat Hall on Tuesday (4/6/2024).

Class XI students enthusiastically took part in sharing sessions that discussed personal branding. On this occasion, Fikha Lutfi also motivated students to achieve what they aspired to.

Fikha also shared tips with students so they can recognize and develop their potential so they can form a personal brand according to their potential.

Principal of SMKN 1 Sungailiat, Nina Erlina, said this activity was part of the P5 program. By bringing up the topic of personal branding, it is hoped that students will be able to recognize their potential, and map their interests and talents so that later the school can direct them.

"This activity is also part of students practicing Pancasila. The work theme is 'I am my expression, we want children to recognize their talents, interests, dreams, they must know who I am and express it how so that their personal branding can emerge," he said.

Nina said that many students are currently just going to school but don't have clear goals.

"We want children to know their potential and we accompany them, by knowing themselves and their potential so that later the school can direct it and the children can increase their achievements," he said.

He appreciated PT Timah for supporting P5 activities at their school. According to him, not only this, but their students also often do internships at PT Timah.

"The enthusiasm of the students is extraordinary, they have gained a lot of new insights. Mrs. Fikha also motivates and inspires them. Vocational school students can have many choices, whether working, entrepreneurship or continuing to study. Or maybe they can pursue these three things," he said.

In the future, he hopes that PT Timah's collaboration with their school can continue so that they can support each other.

"Usually we entrust children to street vendors at PT Timah. Hopefully, in the future, this will continue and we are ready to become partners with PT Timah," he hoped.

Meanwhile, one of Aprilia Azzahra's class XI students majoring in Office Management said that this P5 activity was stimulating because it could inspire her to have goals in life.

"It's really exciting to be able to inspire, I get insight into determining life goals, how to access our abilities,
The material really opened my mind. "There was something interesting that to determine our path we must be brave, responsible, and honest," he said. (*)