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Supporting the Cadreization of Youth Organizations, PT Timah Tbk Donates Aid to GEMA Matala'ul Anwar

PANGKALPINANG -- Taking part in Islamic education and da'wah, Matala'ul Anwar (MA) has various educational institutions from Islamic Kindergarten, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Tsanawiyah, Aliyah and Universities spread across various parts of Indonesia.

Born from the demands of the times, the presence of Islamic organizations requires a forum for cadre, which is expected to have a contribution to the progress of the nation. That is the goal of the Mathla'ul Anwar Youth Movement (GEMA MA) which is an integral part of the MA.

Treasurer of the Regional Leadership Council of the Mathla'ul Anwar Bangka Belitung Youth Movement (DPW GEMA MA BABEL) Ridho Lanang Fiker (20) expressed his appreciation to PT Timah Tbk for providing assistance to the organization.

"Thanks to PT Timah Tbk for helping us in running this organization, where previously we had also been assisted by PT Timah to conduct the National Deliberation held in Jakarta," he said.

He stated that this assistance would be replaced for
the inauguration and inauguration of the DPW GEMA MA BABEL, which will be held on May 29, 2022.

He also hopes that the presence of PT Timah Tbk in Bangka Belitung can continue to contribute to the community.

"Hopefully PT Tin Tbk can continue to help the people of Bangka Belitung," said Ridho.